Mickey Coleman has passed away.

bye mickey

Mickey was my first contact with the bench rest community. When I had my gun shop I visited mickey regarding getting a rifle built for one of my customers. He built that customer's rifle and put several new barrels on guns for me and my shop. During my first visit we talked bench rest. During that conversation he informed me of Brady Knight and his bullets, and Billy and Bart's work. Left Mickey's that same day and went to Brady's and bought my first bench rest rifle and some bullets and then on to Billy's and bought my first Rail Gun. If Mickey liked you, and was in the right mood, he would give you the shirt off his back. Some days he liked me, some days he did not. When I first started shooting the other shooters in the South East region started a standing bet if mickey or I would be the first on the way home after a shoot was over. Mickey usually beat me getting away. Mickey was blunt and outspoken and loved his dogs. Probably why we were friends. I will miss him a great deal. Jim Casey.
I met Mickey at one of t he Crawfish Matches at old Hub City. I made it over to four of his matches at Rachel's Glenn. Regardless of how I shot, I always came away happy.

Rest in Peace, Mickey.
I hate to hear of Mickey's passing. I loaded with him, Billy and Dusty at one of the Crawfish's at Lafayette one year. I think that was the first time I met him in person. I always enjoyed seeing him at the matches when he was there. At the nationals in Kansas City, Mickey took my loading equipment home with him and one of my rifles. Beverly and I flew out and shot the weekend match at Rachel's Glen. It was definitely a high point in my shooting career and was a very enjoyable match. Mickey was the epitome of a gracious host at that time. He'll definitely be missed.

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I would consider Rachel's Glen my "home range". not that i ever practiced there. that was the closest range to my house about 60 +/- miles. Out of the 61 matches I have been to 23 of them were there. Mickey and Brady and target crew ALWAYS did a great job of putting on matches. I miss going there and like everything else in life I always said "I will go see Mickey and Brady one day"..... well I will not be able to do one of them now very sad to lose people in your life no matter if you are close are not to them. He might have been around 77 but that is still young nowadays. It just shows you that we never know when our time is at hand. Make sure you know the Lord and give thanks each day you have with friends and loved ones. Mickey and I talked alot about faith and I am pretty sure he is much better off where he is now than here. Mickey did have his ways but we all do :) . Still praying for the family.