Mickey Coleman has passed away.


Active member
It came unexpectedly. Say a prayer for him is all he'd ask.. Soon as we hear any details we'll post them.
We'll sure miss him.
Charlie and Cheryl

what happened does anyone know? very sad. praying for the family

just got off the phone with Brady. He said Mickey wasnt feeling well went to the doctor yesterday (he didnt say what the doctor said) anyway.... he said Mickey passed away in his sleep last night.
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I lost a good friend

It came unexpectedly. Say a prayer for him is all he'd ask.. Soon as we hear any details we'll post them.
We'll sure miss him.
Charlie and Cheryl

Very sad news indeed. I will miss him. Prayers go out to Michael and to Mickey's "kids"
My email from Dorothy

Butch, I wanted to tell you so you can hopefully tell the benchrest community that Mickey (Coleman) has passed away this morning about 7:35am. He had been sick for a couple of weeks with ulcers in esophagus-stomach and small bowel. He was so weak. I took him back to the hospital last night.

He loved all of you so much. I don't think any of you really do know how deeply he cared for all of you. If you could make sure Tony and Faye, Billy Stevens and Bart Sauter know about his passing I will appreciate it so much. Also Wilbur Harris. I am going to miss him so much.

Dorothy Coleman
God Bless Mickey Coleman

My jaw dropped and my heart was touched when I learned that Mickey Coleman had passed away.

Mickey worked tirelessly for many years promoting the sport of benchrest. He built his own range and hosted many BR matches for others to enjoy. He also built many fine rifles and shared his knowledge and experience with others on Benchrest Central. Mickey poured his heart into his work and unselfishly opened his range, shop and home to those who shared his passion for extreme rifle accuracy.

Mickey Coleman will long be remembered and sorely missed by those of us whose lives he touched.

Adios for now my friend. Save a place at the supper table for me.


Gene Beggs
I spent a couple days at Mickey's a few years ago. I was there to take shooting lessons from Tony Boyer. The wife, Faye Boyer, and Dorothy had a great time together shopping and visiting. Mickey was such a gracious host, but his big!! pet peeve was a misspelled word. I am very conscious of that since that time. I've used spell check 3 times in this post.
Heartfelt prayers for Mrs. Coleman and the family. I met Mickey on this forum and he built an old used Savage I had into my first benchrest rifle. He was actually quite intrigued with the barrel nut and removable bolt head. He recut a used barrel that was kicking around and a McMillan stock that he rebedded for the Savage. Sent me along some old pieces of windflags he had, too. Talked with him several times, and lots of emails, but never had the pleasure of meeting him. He was certainly as fine a gentlemen as I ever knew and our sport is diminished with his passing. Enjoy your rest, my friend.
I spent a couple days at Mickey's a few years ago. I was there to take shooting lessons from Tony Boyer. The wife, Faye Boyer, and Dorothy had a great time together shopping and visiting. Mickey was such a gracious host, but his big!! pet peeve was a misspelled word. I am very conscious of that since that time. I've used spell check 3 times in this post.

Butch, This is very sad news. I will give you a story about him though, I spent a week with Mickey, Bart and Billy in one of the cabins at Raton in 99. Mickey had decided that to make it interesting between the four of us that who ever shot best got to wear a tee shirt that said rooster on it and who ever shot worst wore a tee shirt that said hen on it. He had them made up and airbrushed pictures and rooster and hen on back. After about four days Newick comes up and wants to know what a rooser is, they misspelled it. I will say I never wore either, never made it to rooster or hen but after the first couple of days I really wasn't interested in wearing a tee shirt that had been worn and passed around anyway. It was all great fun and one of the better memories is with him...this is a true loss. George
Mickey was one heckuva good guy. Known him for a long time and would even answer stupid questions (altho he made sure you knew they were stupid) i will miss him for sure. Rachels glen was my favorite range. We lost a good friend.
Latest news : It will be a private funeral and there will be a memorial service at a later date. Mickey was 77.
I shot my first match at Rachels Glen and that was the last match Mickey hosted at his range.
He was a gentleman and helped me a lot . Walked me through his shop . I think about that match often.
Rest in peace Mickey.
We are diminished. I first met Mickey at the "Crawfish" in Lafayette in 1997. When I introduced myself, he replied, "Oh, you are that trouble maker from Louisiana." He was probably talking about some post that I made on this site, and as usual he was correct. Mickey loved this sport and was willing to help promote it by building a range and building many fine BR rifles. I shot at his range several times and he was always the perfect host. We have lost one of our finest. James
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Much respect and condolence....... to the Coleman family and friends.

Never met him in person, but talked to him on the phone once and exchanged a few emails with him back in the early 2000's when I was first getting into Benchrest.
And always looked forward to his posts and replies here on BRC !.!.!

Betting he's up above, shooting Benchrest, and smiling down at us right now....
Donovan Moran
Mickey dearly hated benchrest shooting

What he liked about it was the people involved. I'm not saying that he liked all the folks involved but rather he liked some and liked not liking the others...I suppose that's everybody if you think about it. Everybody won something!

We'll miss that ol' boy for sure.