Michelle Sutton Memorial Charity Classic South Creek, PA Day 2 and Grand Results

Ron Burdick

New member
Day 2 results at 200 yards as well as grand and two-gun results. Thanks again to match holders and South Creek for putting on a phenomenal match and putting money towards a great cause!

Good shooting Ron and Devin!!

Just want to thank all the ones who put on this event, with out you we would be bass fishing or something.
Thanks Jack Donna Kim Cindy Edna Larry and whoever I forgot.

Results are now posted & available on the IBS website. Thanks to all that attended.
Next match at South Creek is July 10/11. Not many group matches this year in the N.E
Come on out and join us.
[QUOTE NICE SHOOTING YOURSELF AND MEL. =Milt Craven;845163]Good shooting Ron and Devin!!

Just want to thank all the ones who put on this event, with out you we would be bass fishing or something.
Thanks Jack Donna Kim Cindy Edna Larry and whoever I forgot.

[quote nice shooting yourself and mel. =milt craven;845163]good shooting ron and devin!!

Just want to thank all the ones who put on this event, with out you we would be bass fishing or something.
Thanks jack donna kim cindy edna larry and whoever i forgot.

[/quote] and ladies in stat house,
results are now posted & available on the ibs website. Thanks to all that attended.
Next match at south creek is july 10/11. Not many group matches this year in the n.e
come on out and join us.
gary thanks for clamps for practice frame we maybe leave practice boards up longer tha originals.theyare higher than match frames.