Merry CHRISTmas

I grew up in a world where it was totally PC and A-OK to put up a banner "JESUS, The Reason for the Season!" on your storefront and even fly an American Flag at the same time.........and my generation is also the group of simpletons who've bought into the idea that "we all need to tone it down a bit...."

So I say "screw subtlety".....get out and shout it!

Merry Christmas fron down under

A Very Merry Christmas from down under.

Not much snow here so we just have to enjoy the local prawns and the lobsters washed down with a few ice cold beers.

Instead of a Christmas card I send you this lovely song from Australia as today is 'Gravy Day'

Enjoy :)

* doggie *
A Very Merry Christmas from down under.

Not much snow here so we just have to enjoy the local prawns and the lobsters washed down with a few ice cold beers.

Instead of a Christmas card I send you this lovely song from Australia as today is 'Gravy Day'

Enjoy :)

* doggie *

Well..... I guess we've got John Prine up here topside but Mate, he's almost weak sauce after that


I'd never heard it
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Shootin buddys. Hope santas as good to you all as he was to me. Got me a pre 64 257 roberts and I wasnt that good. If Id been good I might of got a 250-3000. Doug
Wish everyone the best in the New Year! I bet Doug will find his 250-3000 before this time next year.

NOT what Xmas means

Jus' sayin'...... grow'd up in a place where this sort of stuff was/is bandied about every day.

My wife reads Greek

Just as "Merry" = "Blessed" ................ ain't nobody out there trying to sneakily modify Christmas. ELIMINATE IT, yes, but not modify or "weaken" it.

The reason I feel I must comment is because infighting and sending wrong messages amongst believers is tantamount to saying "black rifles are bad" or "I'm glad silencers are banned" amongst shooters.

Merry Christmas

To all firearms lovers and their families from chilly Manitoba. This time of year is when I reflect and miss those people that have left us. Wish I could talk to my Dad, my grandparents(even though my dads parents did not speak english, barely, stubborn Pollacks). The time of year when I wonder about Christmases past and wanting to be a kid again myself. The joy though is this time of year is to be a new beginning. Just like it was back 2000 plus years ago.

Here's to hoping that this coming year is better than this past.


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