Melonite on action........


scott mims

since I'm seeing more of these out there i was wondering if people are liking them (they do look cool). isn't the idea behind it is to make it smoother? any other benefits?

also i say a black action (bolt also) at one of the last matches i went to and the bolt looked like the "black" was worn off. will the melonite "color" come off over time? or was that just a blued action/bolt you think?
Don't know if this counts but afew of us have the new Stiller rimfire action that's treated and everybody loves the melonite, pretty slick.
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If they Melonite a bolt and also a barrel can they flute the bolt and barrel with out damaging the Melonite.
I think its just a surface treatment mr rains. So if you cut thru its no longer there. The ones ive seen were done prior to melonite.
I tried to re-crown a melonited bbl..... train wreck.

I'll vote for getting all machine work done first. F'rinstance one could have a bolt fluted, treated, then polish off the black leaving the flutes dark..... hard to make it look really crisp unless you spin it in a machine but the concept is sound.