Matching a reamer to my FL Die - advice please

Bummer. PTG didn't make the 20 TAC reamer for Redding, they got it elsewhere apparently. So that means I'll make the cerrosafe casting, but I recall the Cerrosafe "moves" some after cooling and you have to account for that. Anybody know anything about this?

Cerrosafe from Brownells comes with instructions that explain how to use it. If I remember correctly, it shrinks enough to be easily removed from the chamber and after a specified period of time, expands to the exact size of the chamber. There is a "Time window" to measure the casting and get accurate measurements.

Yeah, you're right. 1 hour is perfect (reportedly). Thanks.
Cerrosafe from Brownells comes with instructions that explain how to use it. If I remember correctly, it shrinks enough to be easily removed from the chamber and after a specified period of time, expands to the exact size of the chamber. There is a "Time window" to measure the casting and get accurate measurements.
