Matches with masks !!!

What do ya'll think about having to wear mask during matches. You must keep mask on at ALL TIMES !!! At least we'll get to shoot !!!
Interesting idea. My shooting glasses fog up when I breath with a mask on. Lose a little trigger control with gloves?

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I move fast when grocery shopping and find a mask restricting when it comes to my breathing so it ends up in my pocket.
Bench shooting? Slow moving easy breathing? Might work out pretty well. Better than no shooting at all.
Keep em on AT ALL TIMES

Might be a problem for smokers and people with respiratory conditions.

Still a good idea.

grocery stores in Maryland won't let you in without a mask $5000 fine to the store if they do. Rifle ranges are closed... non essential
Really the question is "Do you want to shoot or not?"

No, really the question is "do you want to wear a mask and thereby validate the lie? Or do you want your kids and grandkids to be able to shoot too"

I STOPPED BUYING S&W when they caved..... I will never again buy/sell/speak well of Cooper Firearms and when HS Precision hired Lon Horiuchi I trumpeted it from the rooftops.

I refused access to my range for the FBI to use for training.....

Only the long game really matters. I wore a mask ONE TIME...... last Sunday, on the Capitol steps while carrying a sign that said

Dr J. Inslee

Nope, this cat ain't wearing no mask to shoot​