March scopes

I call it a block test.

Choose a specific hold point on the target and shoot one shot. Click 8 Right (for 1/8 MOA) and holding on the original spot AND shot a second shot. Clkic 8 down and shoot 3rd shot holding on original POA, then 8 Left, shoot 4th shot then 8 up and shoot 5th shot and bullet should be close to original bullet hole.

This shoud produce a precise square pattern I.E.: 1" Right,1" Down,1" Left and 1" Up.

Of course you can use more clicks to check across a greater range. I did this several times and at different dimensions.

The Leupold's were just as accurate as the Marchs'.

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A couple of things:

Although I think that when shooters spend the kind of money that March scopes cost, they have a right to expect the best image quality, I believe that the rationale for the creation of their first scopes, for benchrest, was to eliminate POI shift, which seems to have been accomplished. Remembering back to when Lou Murdica tested eight Leupold 45X competition scopes (with a Hood scope checker), I seem to remember that half of them did not show any shift, or putting it another way, half of them did (from .020 to .060 at 100yd., if I remember correctly). Looking at the results from big matches, it would seem that many of the best shooters use March scopes, and I have not seen or heard of any POI shift issues. I don't know if they are optically perfect, or even as good as they should be, but it would seem that they have succeeded in their primary mission. I the same vein, I seem to remember that a few years back the entire US WBC team used Sightron scopes, that had had set screws installed opposite both turrets. I don't believe that this was because they thought that they had the best available optics, but rather because of their confidence in the scopes' POI performance. All of this reinforces an opinion that I came to many years ago. While it may be OK to sell almost anything else, never sell a good scope.

My second item is a question for Jim. Is there come common mistake in focusing procedure that shooters should be made aware of? Did you determine what the fellow had done wrong that had the sharpness issue that you wrote about?
i think a common issue is the age of shooters..mostly older, and the failure to recognize degenerating eye sight.
mike in co
There's just so much more that can effect our opinion of "clarity" in a scope beyond the eyepiece and side conditions, air density, smoke, smog, air pollution, am I tired, my blood sugar level, caffein, am I in a good mood or PO'ed about my scope?

The high prices of good scopes have to have a PITA % of the total price built in!
it would seem that they have succeeded in their primary mission
It could 'seem' anyway you want, given the basis of -not hearing otherwise..

Optical performance has been so touted about March scopes right from the git-go.
So it would 'seem' so,, until this thread.

But if they do no more than hold POA, that is still progress.
i just wish i could afford one, so i could be "dissappointed"

mike in co
I call it a block test.

Choose a specific hold point on the target and shoot one shot. Click 8 Right (for 1/8 MOA) and holding on the original spot AND shot a second shot. Clkic 8 down and shoot 3rd shot holding on original POA, then 8 Left, shoot 4th shot then 8 up and shoot 5th shot and bullet should be close to original bullet hole.

This shoud produce a precise square pattern I.E.: 1" Right,1" Down,1" Left and 1" Up.

Of course you can use more clicks to check across a greater range. I did this several times and at different dimensions.

The Leupold's were just as accurate as the Marchs'.


This is a tracking test and it tells you how well a scope tracks. It does not tell you very much about holding POI. The only thing that tells you anything about a scope holding POI is repeated firing many shots and not getting any unexpected shifts of POI.
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The weak link with competition scopes (pre-march and post march) is not the ability to track accurately over a long walk. It is the lack of ability to accurately adjust over a short distance( one click). The never been solved issue of click once and wait for something to happen( which it will ,sooner or later)has never been fixed. The March is better at this ,yes ! but it is not a machine driven $2200 worth of perfection,it still lags behind mechanical perfection in the subtle one click adjustment department. Seeing scopes torn apart, I understand the problem with this request, but had assumed that for $2200 some optical expert had figured it out, such is not the case.
How about This.
The best Benchrest Shooter on the Planet right now just might be Gene Bukys. He uses his own external adjustable mounts and his own frozen 45x Leupold.........jackie
I agree, Gene is the best benchrest shooter on the planet right now.He's like the "Darth Vader" of Benchrest, Mind over everything. I shot next to him once at the IBS nationals,my rifle melted into my sandbags.Never had a chance.
Well OK....... I've been having my first experience with a March, the 10X60 and I haven't achieved the clarity I expected.

Pick on my eyes all you want, I've got other scopes here that resolve 100yd detail better.

Still working on it

reading the directions


I call it a block test.

Choose a specific hold point on the target and shoot one shot. Click 8 Right (for 1/8 MOA) and holding on the original spot AND shot a second shot. Clkic 8 down and shoot 3rd shot holding on original POA, then 8 Left, shoot 4th shot then 8 up and shoot 5th shot and bullet should be close to original bullet hole.

This shoud produce a precise square pattern I.E.: 1" Right,1" Down,1" Left and 1" Up.

Of course you can use more clicks to check across a greater range. I did this several times and at different dimensions.

The Leupold's were just as accurate as the Marchs'.


But when you click on a score target to get a zero so you can hold on the dot for instance, did the march hold that POI for the entire shoot? If it did, that's the holy grail every br shooter is looking for! I've found my own solution. If you need a spare Leup 45X I have one to go. Was owned by Art Patenaude here in Maine, lightly shot on his PPC, bought by me after he passed, sent to Leup to clean up and check up, in the box not fired since returned. let me know. Spare scopes are not a bad idea. --Greg
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I call it a block test.

Choose a specific hold point on the target and shoot one shot. Click 8 Right (for 1/8 MOA) and holding on the original spot AND shot a second shot. Clkic 8 down and shoot 3rd shot holding on original POA, then 8 Left, shoot 4th shot then 8 up and shoot 5th shot and bullet should be close to original bullet hole.

This shoud produce a precise square pattern I.E.: 1" Right,1" Down,1" Left and 1" Up.

Of course you can use more clicks to check across a greater range. I did this several times and at different dimensions.

The Leupold's were just as accurate as the Marchs'.


I don't know if Greg mentioned;

He and I have had Brackney Conversions for a couple or three years and we have no trouble dialing the bullet holes closer together. I had an issue with mine. I found that the set screw that holds the tensioning spring holder in was missing. I installed one and, so far, No problem.

I have two of Buckys mounts and have frozen 6X scopes in them at the momnet. I also have a frozen 36X leup that will go in them if the situation arises. I don't see any way to ever have anything as reliable as a frozen scope with adjustable mounts. I would prefer to have numbered graduations to work with but there is absolutely no trouble simply dialing the reticule to the hole; even small amounts. I hope Breckney makes some 1" mounts someday :).
Ok Al, I`ll bite
How does an old cement farmer like you get to have a new March scope?
an how ain`t you figured it out yet?
Al, I have a 10x60 March on mky HV 30BR, and I rate it right there with a Leupold 45x at the same power.

It is darned sure better than any of my 50x Marches when set on 50.
Al, I have a 10x60 March on mky HV 30BR, and I rate it right there with a Leupold 45x at the same power.

It is darned sure better than any of my 50x Marches when set on 50.

All of the higher power scopes I have looked through are much better. I agree completely.
Ok Al, I`ll bite
How does an old cement farmer like you get to have a new March scope?
an how ain`t you figured it out yet?

It aint mine, it's for a client...... hunting rifle ;)

SERIOUS hunting rifle!

Cement farming is slow enough I went and got a mfg FFL
