Manley Oakley passes

Steve Kostanich

Active member
To all who are old enough to have known him,

I must sadly report that Manley Oakley,the Dean of Northwest Benchrest shooting, passed this morning in Olympia, Washington. Manley was 92 years old. He was both a top BR shooter and top BR Riflesmith. He was mentor to many shooters in this region, including myself. His BR career started in the 1950's, and I think he shot up to about 1998-2000. His spirit and character will be held in high esteem by all who remember him.

As of the moment I don't know of any planed service, or an address to send condolences, but will pass things along as I hear.

Steve Kostanich
Manley Oakley

Because of Manley's age his death was expected but it still comes as a shock.
The Tacoma matches won't ever be the same.
Dave Blazzard
A Fine Gentelman

First shot with Manley at the First Super Shoot in 1973. He was a fine man and good shooter and gunsmith. I know he has been sick for some time and we will miss him. ----Bill :(
Manley was quite a guy. He was a big part of Benchrest in this area and a help to many. Many of us in the north west have things he made over the years. He was always coming up with a new gadget relating to Benchrest, and they were always very creative and meticulously fabricated. Some of them you just have to shake your head and think "how did he come up with that?" Original ideas seemed to come easy for him. N.W. Benchrest owes him a debt of gratitude. He will be missed.

Rick Graham


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It was about 30 years ago that I shot with Manley Oakley and Allen Bench at the old Issaquah range and when they came up to Clearwater. I was pleased they would even talk to a youngster like myself. Manley did always use so many neat gadgets and was happy to tell all about them.
Because I haven't seen or spoken with them since then, I'm about half surprised when I realize Manley was that age. I still feel like he should be 66 and I should still be 29. All those shooters at that Puget Sound range really made my visit a rich experience. Regards, Bill.
I remember Manley . . .

I met Manley at the 1978 SuperShoot. Yup: 30 years ago next month. The 6th Annual was my first. Loaded right across the table from Manley. Paid him for a reticlule rule he upgraded for me. I had bought that group measuring device many years before from old John Sweeny.

On the first morning we had a misty rain. I mentioned to Manley after my first relay that I was getting vertical stringing. He said: "Your stock is sticking on those wet sandbags. Do you have baby power on the bags?"

Huh? . . . I started shooting in local benchrest matches back in 1956. Never heard of using baby powder. Slow learner I guess. But: I think I learned more about benchrest in that 3 day SuperShoot than I had learned shooting by myself in a year.

Thank You, Manley Oakley.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)