Mandatory Superfeet use

Our Benches at Tomball are probably 40 years old. They look it too. But nobody bitches about the condition of the tops. They just B**** about the conditions.

If ranges choose to have prohibitions concerning pointed feet, and using a hammer, then that is their perogative. Shooters will have to decide as individules whether to go to matches at those ranges. ...........jackie
Jackie, you have just hit on a point. The people who built your benches 40 years ago are probably not around to see you "abuse them". People are funny about seeing someone doing things that they see as abuse to things they build.

I, like many of you, have built a lot of "things" and I know they can always be repaired when needed.
"There is nothing built by man that cannot be rebuilt by another man."
The wonder of Steel

Several years back,we had a problem with vandals in the neighborhood. Teenagers with nothing else to do. One of their favorite pastimes was driving through the neighborhood at night and whacking mail boxes with a baseball bat. They do this while hanging out the window of the vehicle. One drive by whack from a baseball bat and an aluminum mailbox looks like a twisted beer can. In one summer, I lost 4 or 5 mailboxes. It got to the point where every morning I'd get up and look out the window, to see if my mail box was there.(Paranoia)

I was a regular customer at Home Depot's mail box section, until I decided to put an end to the fun. I contracted a guy ,who specializes in metal fabrication, to build me an indestructible mail box. The finished product was a 8" square heavy gauge steel post(Hollow) set 2 ft deep in concrete. A heavy gauge steel box was welded to the top of the post. The aluminum mail box attaches snugly inside the steel box.

I spray painted the whole thing a nice flat black and waited. About a week later,I went out to get the paper and I noticed debris on the sidewalk and in the street in the vicinity of my mail box. On further examination,I determined that the debris was the remains of a baseball bat,broken and splintered into several pieces. I also found a broken pair of glasses amongst the debris. That was seven years ago. Haven't had a problem with mail box vandals since.

Making the use of Superfeet mandatory,creates somewhat of a problem for people like me. I have a habit of leaving important stuff at home. The people that make Superfeet could put em on sale at the Range. Might as well.

A couple of friends and I just finished adding some benches to my range. Could not wait to put the hammer to them. There are five benches there now. Three are old and have character holes from much use. Look great. I feel bad about you sensitive types that apply carnuba wax to their bench tops... but to me they are nothing more than a pile of concrete and steel.
You want to know what pisses me off about benches?? It's when you travel 1700 miles, are leading for a grand and the damned bench top is LOOSE. A few more holes don't mean squat. Like Wilbur said: "If you have a problem with holes it's because you did not hit the point hard enough".:)
If you built them and want to beat them up, there is no problem. BTW the reason that the benches at Visalia were replaced years back, was exactly what you mentioned, loose tops. The problem was caused by using mortar to "secure" them. There are probably any number of cures, some sort of epoxy based adhesive is one that I have tried with success. At Visalia, they solved their problem by pouring monolithic benches, in place. The slab was drilled for the vertical rebar before the forms were set and rebar placed. Base and top are one piece.
After reading this 10 page topic, i am sure there will be no contestants at the Supershoot. The benches have a few holes in them.:cool:Mabye the worst in the what, don't go...who with it... Like Larry Costa says, you might want to be a little more concerned about loose bench tops than holes in the concrete. Can't remember for sure where it was, but someone at a Nationals epoxied a bench or 2 one night after the match............We need a rule for that also............... Suck it up, face it, you won't need any benches in another 20 years. Most of you will be gone.........except me.........:cool: I'll stay home and shoot on my VIRGIN BENCH---or maybe i'll go down and shoot with that Little Freaking Larry-----------------:mad:.

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A couple of friends and I just finished adding some benches to my range. Could not wait to put the hammer to them. There are five benches there now. Three are old and have character holes from much use. Look great. I feel bad about you sensitive types that apply carnuba wax to their bench tops... but to me they are nothing more than a pile of concrete and steel.
You want to know what pisses me off about benches?? It's when you travel 1700 miles, are leading for a grand and the damned bench top is LOOSE. A few more holes don't mean squat. Like Wilbur said: "If you have a problem with holes it's because you did not hit the point hard enough".:)
Come to our club and shoot off our benches. If you choose to peck your rest to one of our benches we will not say a word because you are our guest. We will not like it but because we have manners, we will hold our displeasure. We can rebuild or repair any damage after you leave. I hope you understand.
It blows my mind that this thread is still going on. Haven't you guys beat the clubs down yet for not wanting their property damaged? The bums how dare they expect the exualted shooters like you who stoop down to grace them with their presence respect their property? Good god call Obamy and Holder and the rest of the elite and have them fix this problem maybe a bench tax or a club tax.

It's Ok man - really it is. It ain't never been about respecting other's property. That's what the other side thinks it's about. The other side from that wants to continue as they have for all these years and sees it as an unnecessary change. The reason it's OK, is that folks have a individual choice as do the clubs.

Kinda like when we decided that every match in the region would rotate benches every target. We figured out first match that wasn't a good thing when folks (about half) that drove hundreds of miles (campers and all) went home without firing a shot. They told James Messer to give them a call when that silliness ended. Point is - be careful what you change. I held up my hand for 10 years voting on stuff that sounded good. In the end, none of it was worth doodly squat. The original "framers" had it pretty close to right. The only flaw I can find is right up front in the NBRSA objectives. Items 1 and item 3 are in conflict. Hard to do item 3 with item 1 in your face.
It's Ok man - really it is. It ain't never been about respecting other's property. That's what the other side thinks it's about. The other side from that wants to continue as they have for all these years and sees it as an unnecessary change. The reason it's OK, is that folks have a individual choice as do the clubs.

Kinda like when we decided that every match in the region would rotate benches every target. We figured out first match that wasn't a good thing when folks (about half) that drove hundreds of miles (campers and all) went home without firing a shot. They told James Messer to give them a call when that silliness ended. Point is - be careful what you change. I held up my hand for 10 years voting on stuff that sounded good. In the end, none of it was worth doodly squat. The original "framers" had it pretty close to right. The only flaw I can find is right up front in the NBRSA objectives. Items 1 and item 3 are in conflict. Hard to do item 3 with item 1 in your face.

You old Badger ya wasn't that long ago people were pissin and moaning about the marks left on the tops from the black markers.................)chill(give them all a ribbon.............:cool:

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If the rule applies to every shooter on the line, how does any one individual have an advantage or disadvantage ?? Are we not only competeing against the other shooters at that match ? On that Range? At the same time? With the same conditions? As for shooting a record I truely do not know--- Has anyone shot a record using super feet or something like them? I guess this is like the restrictor plate in NASCAR-- if we are all using the exact same equipment there would not be a WINNER??
MUST be winter, because some people have way too much time on their hands
super foots

perhaps it will help me some.--since i dont have any and have never used them

travel 5 hours and change equipment, right.
Super feet

First i have NOT been thru all 10 pages of this topic, I meet Dave D at John Meyer's gun shop. told him I just built 2 benches on my range, he asked wooden or concrete, i said concrete, then said do you use Super Feet? Had know idea what he ment. After describing what they where, i said they sound great where can i get some, he went to his car and gave me a set. Have not set up my rest's with out them SINCE. Have a spare set in my glove box(just in case). Dave left us to soon. dogdude
Why is it still on here?

I suspect its because there are many ranges that dont want their bench tops beat up, There are already too few places having registered matches. I know of at least 1 that stopped having matches for (mostly) that reason
Why is it still on here?

Probably because it actually is competition Benchrest related and it has not gotten particularly offensive so far .

Bill and Boyd,

Look fellows, I have used superfeet before in the World championships. No big deal, If I went to your range I would use them since that is your rule. I'm okay with that. I just don't think it is necessary and I have found that on some slick bench tops in dry weather they don't work as well as the pegs. Especially when there is wind blowing with fine dry dust. Have to keep cleaning the pads and the bench with a wet rag to get them to stick.
As you can tell I don't read this stuff very often, sorry for the delay in answering.
