Making Your Own Bullets

Making your own bullets

Yes charlie does make great cores I tried them myself.
IT speeds up the process quite a bit if your making very large lots to sell.
Its ideal for a person who makes bullets to sell.
But not every one makes bullets to sell, some make them just for themselves.

I would't worry about the quality of his cores that are dead on.

I prefer to make my own But that,s Me, I also cast pistol bullets , I use the spews from swaging the cores and some antimony.
There's isn't any waste for me .
Whatever he charges is cheap compared to making them yourself!


I´m sure about that, the issue it that I´m not living in the US, so shipping cost is part of the equation!;)

On a side note, what diameter cores does everyone use for 6mm bullets? My Rorscharch core swage die makes a .2015" core, and while they fit nicely in sierra jackets they don´t drop all the way to the bottom with J4 jackets. Haven´t really decided if I should get another core swage die or not...
If your bullets shoot well, I don't see any reason to have another core swage die. I do understand your question, and the concern therein. If you have an unexplained flyer now and then...and you feel a difference in the stroke a bit too might need another die. Really, I don't believe you need another die but I don't know everything there is to know - as I think I do. :)
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Making your own bullets

Wilbur has a point if they shoot well.

IF you want to shoot zeros Try a almost straight wall jacket like STA Molly.

Depending from lot to lot sierras vary on the taper on the inside of the jacket.
I´m sure about that, the issue it that I´m not living in the US, so shipping cost is part of the equation!;)

On a side note, what diameter cores does everyone use for 6mm bullets? My Rorscharch core swage die makes a .2015" core, and while they fit nicely in sierra jackets they don´t drop all the way to the bottom with J4 jackets. Haven´t really decided if I should get another core swage die or not...

Your core die sounds a bit large. But as long as your cores drop straight to bottom of your jackets it's no problem. Most 6mms cores are closer to 190ish range.

Making your own bullets

Try a few sta molly jackets if they drop to the bottom your problem are solved
Barts correct that size is a bit large Your mics 201.5 '
Maybe you need a new core forming die, Dick Moretzo {doc} was x raying bullets a few years ago and finding air pockets under the cores of the bullets.
You can always get barts jackets exported thru chris at bullet central. Or bart has other exporters lined up as well.
Seems that others are sayin' that the core needs to drop to the bottom of the jacket. They're probably right.
Saving money on dies

George makes as good of bullet dies as anyone. They are carbide dies for about half the price of other die makers. I recommend using Charlie's cores, because this almost cuts the labor of bullet making in half. If you like to experiment with super light bullets and super slow twist, then get a core die to squirt your experimental cores, and then after testing them, you can get Charlie to make them in a larger quantity. George's phone number: 618-420-5473.

Making your own bullets

I'm Pretty sure davids mailing address should work.
If you can't reach him by phone try mailing him.
a post on the "thoughts on benchrest competition" thread includes the following comment: "today...more and more good shooters make their own bullets." ( that comment prompts me to ask the following questions:

1. Why do folks make their own bullets when good bullets are available from other sources?
2. What is needed to make your own bullets and what's the approximate cost of the equipment?
3. Excluding the cost of the equipment and the value of your time, what's the approximate cost per completed bullet?
4. About how long does it take to make, say, 500 or 1,000 bullets?
as i needed more bullets i added more presses i now have 48 set up so i dont have to change dies.
as i needed more bullets i added more presses i now have 48 set up so i dont have to change dies.
just walk in and go to work.i am now burning new carbide dies in 7.5 and 8 ojiveand desiged new ejection pin to get rid of all the threaded rod slick.alsonew system for puttig jackets in boards in i fourth the time all on rockchuckers new design 814 335 0450 .

just walk in and go to work.i am now burning new carbide dies in 7.5 and 8 ojiveand desiged new ejection pin to get rid of all the threaded rod slick.alsonew system for puttig jackets in boards in i fourth the time all on rockchuckers new design 814 335 0450 .

one die will handel 1 million cals.
Best explanation I've heard about a very critical step

[QUOTE=Mike Bryant, "I think a lot of what goes into a good bullet is in the core to jacket set up when seating the core. You want a core seating punch diameter that gives the least lead bleed by that you can get without scraping any jacket from the side walls. I check that with a bore scope without the right angle adapter. When you arrive at the punch size that you want to use, then, I go with Skip Otto's method of pressuring up the seated core. Keep applying more pressure by adjusting either the die length or the punch until your jacket lengthens .001". That's the point when the jacket is just beginning to stretch to fail. If you add much more pressure, the jacket will pop. I'm using a George Ulrich horizontal press for core seating. When you get the jacket to lengthen that .001", then I back off the core seating punch .001".

Mike, I don't make my own bullets but I have studied everything about the process for years and have made bullets under the supervision of both Charles Huckeba and Cecil Tucker. It is an interesting subject; isn't it ? And you are SO right with your explanation above about core seating.

Gene Beggs
just walk in and go to work.i am now burning new carbide dies in 7.5 and 8 ojiveand desiged new ejection pin to get rid of all the threaded rod slick.alsonew system for puttig jackets in boards in i fourth the time all on rockchuckers new design 814 335 0450 .

also making jacket boards for 105 gr. Bullets and filling with lead in minutes.