maine firecracker?

A good time was had by all? VFS G AGG-1_R Jarvais 2-D Breeden 3-K Llwellyn 4-D Apple 5-B Gollner 6-J Greene 7-R Llwellyn 8-G Palman 9-W France 10-J Cascarino 11-D Grosbier 12-C Brock 13-A Buzzell 14 D Steen 15- H Chapman 16-F Danisenka 17-B Randall 18-J Goody 19-C Mitchell 20-B Smickle 21- L Roberts- 22-D Smith 23-K Richards VH--1-Parker Hills 2-C Brock 3-P Wass 4-G Jones HTR--1-D Breeden 2-O Bunker 3-G Long 4-Peter Hills 5-S Garman
We thought that southerners were hospitable people but they came to Maine with guns a-blazing and proceeded to put a whooping on us poor northern folk just coming out of our winter caves! Good thing they are nice people. Randy J.
Great shooting, Randy, and amongst some very tough competition no less. Are you going to the Bud? I am making plans for dad and I to make up to Maine next year for the firecracker.
Congratulations on your win.
Thanks Mike. No my job doesn't allow me the time to off this time of year on that weekend. It is always the week of finals or of graduation and I have to be present for those duties. When I retire, I will finally get the chance. The Bud is a premier event in score shooting and the best of the best usually go. Do think you and your dad can make it to Maine for the Nationals in August? It should be a good time and great way to check your progress in shooting.
Unfortunately, my time off is also limited this summer and have planned on the Bud and then the VT states, again, in September. If this darn work thing wasn't such an issue I would hit them all! Give me about 30yrs and I will be driving my hydrogen powered personal transportation vehicle up to Maine and all over creation. God willing, my wife might just come along, too!
I will say that was quite an interresting weekend of events. What a great bunch of shooters and some really good conditions to shoot in . Well great as in " Oh Great" As you can tell by some of the scores pretty interresting for some of us. Its always a pleasure to shoot and catch up on things with all the southern folk that adventured to the great white north. Hope to see all of you at the Nationals. Great shooting Randy, hope you didnt miss the Keeper plaque to much while I watched it for you.. Its back to its home .. : )

Andy B
Thanks Randy. The BiBs did their part. I came a sixteenth of an inch from a second consecutive 250 at Damariscotta's 300 yard in as many attempts but I just couldn't stay with Breeden. I struggled reading the flags while he seldom used more than 2 sighters. I don't know what condition he found 5 benches away but I never recognized it. The opposite happened at the 200 leg held in Orrington. I found a condition at the end of match 2 that returned often enough for me to weather the "storm" while most others dropped at least twice as many points. The buffer gave me the grand agg. which is not the norm as Damariscotta can be down right nasty.

Andy, I did miss the traveler plaque and I may not let you "borrow" it again. I noticed some of the finish is gone in one corner. If you can't play with my stuff nicely, you can't have it! :) Randy J.
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Not to take anything away from Randy but to me the big story was Dean Breeden. Dean shot 2 guns all weekend and almost won both Hunter and VFS, on his first ever trip to these two ranges. Dean won the Hunter Grand handily and was one point and a couple X's behind Randy in the VFS grand, 4 points ahead of 3rd place.

I think Dean has his sights set on winning SSOY in Both classes and the way he is shooting it could happen.

I think , If I remember Randy, That spot was left by tears as it was taken from your living room. It was recieved that way. Or I may have rubbed it off as it was dusted and polished every week while I had it. Now you have taken the high score from me and the plaque.. Harsh : )
The big deal for me was a National event high quality list of shooters way up here in Maine..
Dean was congradulated many times, as we all have said, 250 at 300 -200 and somedays 100 yards at that range can sure be all any shooter can handle. He shot outstanding and is a very Big accomplishment. Dean is always a force in Huntr and VFS. We look forward to the Nationals and maybe another go at 300 this fall at the states with Dean and all the other great shooters in attendance. Congrats to Robert Llwellynn for his win at 100 and Kim in 3rd place in the Grand Agg. She is the definition of consistant .. I cant forget My Bulletsmith Parker Hills for his VH Grand agg. win . Dean did great for the Hunter win and a clean 300 in VFS , and no doubt he can win both SSOY's. with that ability. I'm glad they all decided to make the trip, it was alot of fun. Great job at the VFS Grand Agg Randy you had some big names to take on to get it back. No disrespect to anyone, but almost wont get the plaque away from Randy if he can help it.
Thanks Jim. It was a great 3 days and your Rimrock rig has served me well right from the git-go. I thank you for offering up such an appealing deal. The other weekend made for my 4 State championships from 4 different states along with a 200-300 National since our trade. Sweet! Randy J.
I once heard the sage of Bowdoinham say, "If you want to win, learn how to shoot better". that -a=way the wood could always stay in Maine :).