
I think that the simple truth is that cleaning methods have to reflect the powder being used, and because 133 is so clean,

There are definitely dirtier powders than N133, but I wouldn't exactly call N133 clean. It'll give twice as many black patches as H322 or XBR.
New 2015 is the rejected LT32
don't know where the burning rate is Slower? faster? REally not a problem if i wanted to use some. Just work it up or down.

I have a 1lb can of 2015 made in Canada and some LT32 here. They look nothing alike and I would think that if 2015 was "reject" LT32 they should look the same. The 2015 appears kinda glossy and dark-almost black. The LT is greyish and flat colored. I think the kernal size is slightly different too. LT is finer than the 2015. Not by much though. I didn't measure it but it just looks that way to me. Any thoughts on this?
What is the date on that 2015>?
From all of the prior posts The new 2015 is LT 32 that doesn't make the velocity spec set up.
That was announced here on this site when new LT 32 came out.
You may have some of the older lot of 2015 {before the new T powder was Introduced}
[ some of the old lots of 2015 were made in different places}
According to Keith Anderson, product manager at Miles City (Accurate, Ramshot, etc) any AA 2015 that has a date sticker of 2010 or later is the Canada product. It will test slower than the LT-32 jugs. Mine is about 150-180 fps slower.

Modern smokeless powders are made with wood pulp (wood chips, fence rails, pine needles, etc) as the cellulose source and that can create great variations in the finished product. What tests slow in this line is 2015 and the faster stuff is LT32. Cotton is the most consistent cellulose source for smokeless but it is much more expensive. Norma powders made at Amfors Sweden was a cotton based gunpowder and about 25% more expensive than most (N201 for example).
My lots of 2015 and lt32-------

According to Keith Anderson, product manager at Miles City (Accurate, Ramshot, etc) any AA 2015 that has a date sticker of 2010 or later is the Canada product. It will test slower than the LT-32 jugs. Mine is about 150-180 fps slower.

Modern smokeless powders are made with wood pulp (wood chips, fence rails, pine needles, etc) as the cellulose source and that can create great variations in the finished product. What tests slow in this line is 2015 and the faster stuff is LT32. Cotton is the most consistent cellulose source for smokeless but it is much more expensive. Norma powders made at Amfors Sweden was a cotton based gunpowder and about 25% more expensive than most (N201 for example).

I have 4 jugs of 2015 lot 1 which chrono's at near the same as my lt32 lot 1. I have some 2015 lot 3 which is 2+ grns. slower. My rifles shoot 2015 lot 1 and lt32 best at 28.2 gns at 3290 down to 27.2 gns. My old old lot of 322 is close to that. I have trouble getting enough lot 3 in the case to make 3350 and lot 1 at 27.2 does not quite start up the neck
You will see!!! Also you are correct. I am used to cleaning for 133, and yes I did have to change my cleaning rituals a bit. None the less, had I not owned a bore scope i wouldn't have know. That's all i said there fellers! Be careful with this powder if you don't own a scope. Lee
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Puzzling to me????

I have a 1lb can of 2015 made in Canada and some LT32 here. They look nothing alike and I would think that if 2015 was "reject" LT32 they should look the same. The 2015 appears kinda glossy and dark-almost black. The LT is greyish and flat colored. I think the kernal size is slightly different too. LT is finer than the 2015. Not by much though. I didn't measure it but it just looks that way to me. Any thoughts on this?

The LT-32 and 2015 I have seen I cannot see any difference in the 2.

In regards to LT being a bit dirtier than 133, I find that when I clean, the patches come out pretty much the same between the two. No, I do not have a borescope so I cannot say about the carbon ring. Unless I am missing something, I do not worry about the carbon ring in my chambers if there even is one. I trim my cases after each and every firing with one of Homer's trimmers. It is part of my reloading routine. The few times I have had my rifles scoped there was no carbon ring. Maybe it is all the Flitz that I use after each relay?????? That may be my issue, NO rifling left in my barrels.......:eek:

What is the date on that 2015>?
From all of the prior posts The new 2015 is LT 32 that doesn't make the velocity spec set up.
That was announced here on this site when new LT 32 came out.
You may have some of the older lot of 2015 {before the new T powder was Introduced}
[ some of the old lots of 2015 were made in different places}

2015 lot number is as follows:1208003 The zeros in front of the 3 are blurred, but I'm pretty sure that is what it says.
The LT32 is lot no. 0104132
Both are made in Cananda