Lt 30

Lt 30 hot hot powder

The LT 30 is a very hot powder and has to be carefully used in the 6PPC.
Suggest one uses a chonograph and shoot a one load/bullet in increments at a time and watch
for heavy bolt lifts. One would have to back the load down for heavy bolt lifts.
Bart seems to have success with the powder. Have seen some decent groups
when testing LT 30. Have used it somewhat limited in competition with decent results. The LT does not
appear to hold tune very long. However, the people who are using it are stating that the load window is very
narrow. Therefore, one needs to have a very good powder scale due to the narrow load window.

The LT 30 is a very hot powder and has to be carefully used in the 6PPC.
Suggest one uses a chonograph and shoot a one load/bullet in increments at a time and watch
for heavy bolt lifts. One would have to back the load down for heavy bolt lifts.
Bart seems to have success with the powder. Have seen some decent groups
when testing LT 30. Have used it somewhat limited in competition with decent results. The LT does not
appear to hold tune very long. However, the people who are using it are stating that the load window is very
narrow. Therefore, one needs to have a very good powder scale due to the narrow load window.


That seems to be the opposite what I hear and see with the PPC. How I got on it was preloading and you can stay in tune with the tuner....... jim
The LT 30 is a very hot powder and has to be carefully used in the 6PPC.
Suggest one uses a chonograph and shoot a one load/bullet in increments at a time and watch
for heavy bolt lifts. One would have to back the load down for heavy bolt lifts.
Bart seems to have success with the powder. Have seen some decent groups
when testing LT 30. Have used it somewhat limited in competition with decent results. The LT does not
appear to hold tune very long. However, the people who are using it are stating that the load window is very
narrow. Therefore, one needs to have a very good powder scale due to the narrow load window.


Kindly elaborate on your tune comment since there seems to be widely held opinion the LT powders hold tune quite well.
Anyone done any lot to lot comparisons? Is it anywhere consistent?

Looks like over 40 lots so far.


Never did lot to lot but I did do different conditions with the same pre loaded rounds and is very good to the point of the tuner keeping them in a tenth and it is an average barrel.... I would like to do more testing with a good barrel. LT 30 is good stuff....... jim
I think there has only 4 lots of LT 30. Not all lot numbers area excepted. Same with LT32 there has been
I think 8 lots but the number is up to 13 lot . LT30 Was done for the 30 br. I shot it at one score nationals and I think I won everything but one yardage I came in second.and-set 2 new records. LT30 36.7 grains berger 115 going 3200
I don’t mix powders, I tested mixing Powder with pressure testing and never had consistent pressure.
I did test shooting duplex loads using 2 powder measures and found the faster powder needs to be on the bottom and pressures were consistent .
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I did test shooting duplex loads using 2 powder measures and found the faster powder needs to be on the bottom and pressures were consistent .
Like 18167 and 322 ?
I'll see you this weekend (NO BAGELS FOR YOU )
Joe Pipola
Burn rates of LT30 and LT32?

I have found it frustrating to try and find an actual chart of burn rates where the common benchrest powders and both LT's are shown in some logical order. If you look at enough sites, you can find where LT30 is slower on some and faster on others. Is there a good, up to date burn rate chart out yet that includes both LT30 and LT32?
There’s some charts on Western side I think they do have a Loading manual now but with the big thing what are you trying to figure out . Nobody’s going to put in print the loads that we shoot to higher pressure..
LT 30 is faster than LT 32 .
I have found it frustrating to try and find an actual chart of burn rates where the common benchrest powders and both LT's are shown in some logical order. If you look at enough sites, you can find where LT30 is slower on some and faster on others. Is there a good, up to date burn rate chart out yet that includes both LT30 and LT32?

I make my own charts with every new 8# of powder that i start with wether its T30-32 or V133 or any other powder that i have. ther is plenty of starting loads in this forum for t30 0r 32