Lou Murdica at the Cactus

Dave B

New member
My wife and I had the pleasure to load with Lou and Connie and then shoot next to them all weekend.
I can't express how impressed I was with the preformance Lou put on for both Saturday and Sunday.
He had time to talk with whom ever wanted to "chat", explain about a new powder he is having produced and offer to share it with anyone interested, help others set flags or solve problems and still keep his focus to shoot small in every condition imaginable. This was no turkey shoot guys, the best and toughest competitors were there. Lou not only kicked our but but made it look esay and was gracious about it.
This guy is a true credit to the benchrest community.
Congratulations !

Lou, congrats on some fine shooting in what must have been dreadful conditions..
Pat B
Lou, congrats on some fine shooting in what must have been dreadful conditions..
Pat B

The conditions were the worst I have ever shot in. Usually, if it is that nasty at the gun range, most guys will just turn around and go home. Lou made it look easy. I think his performance in that tornado was right up there with the lunar landing in human historical significance!
Way To Go Lou !!

They say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Congratulations Louie and also to everyone else who finished the match Sunday. Those who placed in the top twenty in the two gun deserve Hall of Fame points for that one.


Gene Beggs
Lou, making it look easy-

Jack Snyder, me, and Dave B were betting dollar groups in the end on the light 200. We wouldn't let Lou in because of the groups he was throwing down there. He would have cleaned us all out.
I only wish now that someone would have had a movie camera to show what the conditions were for Sunday. Some guys were aiming on the left shooters targets to hit thier own. There was one shooter with a 17 that was hitting a target 4 places down on a entirely different target frame. That is some serious hold off!

Louie made it look too easy, and he took time to awnser MANY people's questions too. Nice job Louie, you are first class all the way! Happy Anniversary too-what a way for you and Connie to celebrate.

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I only wish now that someone would have had a movie camera to show what the conditions were for Sunday. Some guys were aiming on the left shooters targets to hit thier own. There was one shooter with a 17 that was hitting a target 4 places down on a entirely different target frame. That is some serious hold off!


I took about 30 seconds of video Sunday afternoon. If someone can tell me how to download it, you can all watch.


Was Lou using a tuner at the Cactus.. I'm sure those conditions wouldn't allow any meaningful conclussions regarding tuners.. I'm just curious as to whether he is exploring them at this time..
I spent all evening when I got home cleaning dirt out of my dies, wiping down and oiling my presses, and picking seeds from those trees out of my sizing wax. What a mess. I'll bet my towell I had over my rifle for cleaning is probably somewhere near Houston by now!

There must of been a reverse. I found your towell at a gas station in Flagstaff.
Dave B

You Da Man!!! That was some unbelievable shooting in the toughest conditions I have ever shot in.

Congratulations again!

Bart Sauter

Bart’s Custom Bullets
Congrats Lou and good luck on getting the points for the World team, you have a pretty good start.


Like i told you Sunday, to win in that crowd under those conditions was simply great shooting. To do it with a 22xx agg when 2nd place was a 34xx was nothing short of a serious azz whuppin.



You know you are the man who got me started in this game. You sold me an old Wilson 6 PPC seater die at a gun show -- the old Pomona show I think. The I had to have a gun to go with the die. The garage full of flags, probes, dies, miriad of BR guns, bullet dies, etc, soon followed. Thanks a lot. ;)

Seriously, great shooting. You are the hardest working man in benchrest.
Lou, All of us a Bartlein would like like to say " Well done!" and say thanks for using our barrels. Talk to you later, Frank
Great Job Lou


Your outstanding shooting at the Cactus is a fantastic accomplishment. I guess shooting in a tunnel didn't dull your wind dopping skills. I say "wind" like that is what was happening on Sunday. Maybe I should say your hurricane dopping skills.

It is important to also thank you for all your hard work to further benchrest shooting. Your hours spent testing and trying different things and the fact that you are completely open with all that you have learned is going to be huge in improving the shooting experience for many BR shooters.

Keep up the all the good work and I hope that your efforts take you into the Hall of Fame. Get there before all that you have learned is adopted by everyone and the age of regular teen grand aggs begins. I already ordered a March scope.:)
