My name is Michelle Pastorella Geddes. Vince was my Dad.
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you to all of you for your condolences. We will miss him very much.
He loved to shoot. It was his passion in life.
He had a long battle with Leukemia. We both cried the day he said he was not going to shoot for the rest of the season. It broke our hearts.
I want everyone to know he was very brave in his battle. The doctors asked him if he wanted to try one more treatment. We were told of the risks and the side effects, but he wanted to go for it. He said, it is like being at a shoot, it is my last shot, you either make it or you don't.
He tried the treatment, unfortunately he had some other complications before starting the treatment. When he passed on Saturday, he was surrounded by his family. We loved him and were by his side the whole way.
He was a friend and mentor to so many people. He touched many lives. He missed talking to everyone while he was in the hospital. The different types of oxygen masks he had on made it difficult for him to talk as well as his hearing was not the best.
If any of you have any special pictures you would like to share with us please send them to me at
I will be going through some photos and will post them as well.