Looking for wind flags


Kim Merrill

I am looking for a new set of wind flags. My "style" preference is the Hood Duel Vain but they are no longer available. I checked all of the vendors listed here on BC without any luck. I did not like the one duel flag offered by one of the vendors. It was ridged vrs breakdown.

Does anyone have information on other companies selling duel vain wind flags?

looking for wind flags

Look at the last hit in the classified I believe it was carbon river wind flags
They make a duel vain but it has a ball on the end Maybe he can make it for you with a daisy wheel if you prefer.
Carbon River will make a dual vane with propeller you just have to specify that when you order. I bought a set of five some two years ago.

Kim, Flying Fish

I am looking for a new set of wind flags. My "style" preference is the Hood Duel Vain but they are no longer available. I checked all of the vendors listed here on BC without any luck. I did not like the one duel flag offered by one of the vendors. It was ridged vrs breakdown.

Does anyone have information on other companies selling duel vain wind flags?


builds a takedown dualvane that will most likely fill your need. E-mail me and I can send you a photo of the flag. My website is down right at the moment, so I cannot send you that direction.

another question

I would like to tag along on this thread as I too am looking to get a set of flags. I thought I wanted the dual vane, but I thought about transporting them, and I thought a single vane would stack much easier in a trunk or case. Is this the case? or do the dual vanes stack just fine too?

I want to get my 5 flags (and wheels and tails... etc) all in a foot locker or plastic tool box type case for easy transport.
Hey P1ZK

If you want a well designed and performing set of flags, look no further than Rick Graham. His are available in a variety of designs, and snug in a compact tub if you want. These are probably the best in performance plus value, an unbeatable combination.

Check out his site at;


Good luck,

daisy wheel or black and white ball

I do not mean to take over your thread, but thought I would continue to posts my questions here so that any other person needing this info can find it all in the same place.

Is there an advantage with the daisy wheel over the ball, or visa versa?

Or is this a Ford Chevy choice?
Hood Flags

Kim - I have a set of Hood double vein flags that I no longer use. I have no idea of their value, but I would sell them to you at a fair price. You can email me at jswalleye@gmail.com or call me at 502-633-6000. Thanks. Johnnie
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A big overlooked aspect

I do not mean to take over your thread, but thought I would continue to posts my questions here so that any other person needing this info can find it all in the same place.

Is there an advantage with the daisy wheel over the ball, or visa versa?

Or is this a Ford Chevy choice?

of your question is "how does your brain process the info?" Even though I build whatI am told is a great double vane flag, I personally have difficulty shooting them. My brain processes singles w/ daisy better than w/o daisies, better than doubles, either way.

It is important for EVERY new shooter to take the time looking over, or if possible, shooting over as many different kinds of flags as possible. That way they will only have to buy once and will be much happier.
I Switched

I was a Daisy guy until I started using David H's spheres with his Sailtails:D

watch the sailtail for the pickups and letoffs and vane for the angle works for my pea brain.

I like the white sailtails for sunny days on green background and orange for the cloudy days.
If you want a well designed and performing set of flags, look no further than Rick Graham. His are available in a variety of designs, and snug in a compact tub if you want. These are probably the best in performance plus value, an unbeatable combination.

Check out his site at;


Good luck,


I hate to high-jack a thread; however, I was wondering if you were going to the Firearms Engravers & Gunmakers Exhibition in Reno in January? I'd enjoy meeting you and discussing BR, photography and custom rifles.


Talk about hijacking…

Hi Jeff, sorry that I will again miss the ACGG Show this year. Instead, I'll be in Vegas for the SHOT Show, spending time with my commercial clients and seeing all the catalog and marketing projects we have been working on for the last 6 months kick off.

Also, one special deal this SHOT Show will be the start (for real!!) of the promotion for Tony's book. I'm very excited about making this long awaited project a reality with help from Denny Andrews. Tony was kind enough to entrust us with his baby and we are very honored. The book will be available for the SuperShoot. Incidentally, Tony will be at the Lapua booth for SHOT.

Jeff, maybe you can head south before Reno.

David H

What would it cost for a set of 5 flags poles and tails shipped to Australia?
If you can quote single & double vane please .Regards jim