looking for some 6mm barrel lapping slugs


Active member
Do any of you fine gents have a source or have on hand a few 6mm barrel lapping slugs i could purchase? i want to play a little. lee
NECo sells the slugs, they are not for lapping. For that, you need to cast a pure lead lap in the barrel. I once was lucky enough to see that done, for the after reaming lapping of a barrel at Pac Nor. I have a couple of pictures of that, and setting up the barrel and starting the lapping process. It was interesting.
I miss spoke fellas. I need some slugs for barrel slugging. I do not intend on lapping any barrels. thats what i pay barlein and krieger for. I just want to get a better feel for the material i am working with, and slugging the barrel sounds like a smart idea. Lee