Looked around



on the www. and don't see anything that references "using flags for LR/ELR matches."

Is it done/are they used ? Are they facility-owned or shooter set ?

I've never seen 'personal' wind flags of any sort at a HP match. I suppose there might be a local club out there some where that might let you do it, as I'm not entirely sure its against any particular rule... that said, I think the thing that makes them impractical is the amount of time you'd have to spend screwing around setting them up, especially at a multi-yard line event. Unless you got there *real* early and had some sort of advance guarantee from the match director as to which firing point you're going to be on... I think most event organizers would rather you spent that time helping set up the range, etc.

Most ranges have large wind flags already in place - usually 30' tall, with 12-15' flags. If you're lucky (and its a big enough range) they'll be down both sides as well as down the middle, every couple hundred yards. Smaller ranges may have less, and frequently the ones they have are placed where they could be fit, not necessarily at the places you want them. Everybody has the same problem - so its all good n fair ;)

Below is a view from the 800yd line @ Rattlesnake Mountain in central Washington... 20 (or so) firing points. If you look closely you can see the flags going down the left side, and possibly one or two along the right side. The big red range flag is pretty much in the middle.

Many thanks

…milanuk, I sure do appreciate your time posting the reply.

on the www. and don't see anything that references "using flags for LR/ELR matches."

Is it done/are they used ? Are they facility-owned or shooter set ?


It's covered in the Highpower Rule book: http://competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/RuleBooks/HPR/hpr-book.pdf

It's under Range Standards, Section 6:

6.9.1 Wind Flag—Wind flags should be displayed at various distances between the firing line and the targets.
It is recommended that the flags be placed at 200, 500 and 700 yards. It is further recommended that the flag be
48 inches by 18 inches at tip and 12 feet in length. This flag will be of two colors, red and yellow.
Rule 3.9.1 covers personal wind indicators. It states that they are not allowed forward of the firing line.

Wouldn't flags fall into that category?
Possible... I suppose it could be argued whether that includes individual flags ahead of the firing line, or whether that language was more of a clarification to allow the use of a personal wind meter such as a Kestrel so that it would not be construed as an 'Electronic Device'.

The risk of having someone's personal flags blowing over, going tumbling across the range, etc. is probably reason enough that most match directors I know of would not even consider allowing placement.