Lining Up A Farley


New member
I used to have a Hart with a Hoehn top. I made a "rear sight" that went on the rear screw and let me sight down the middle of the forend stop on the target. So, getting it "lined up" was a breeze.

I'm now shooting on a Farley. More than once I've set everything down, thought I had it right, then noticed that I had it cattywampus. It was to the left of the target every time, but that might not be relevant.

Does anyone do anything that is similar to my old "crutch"? Even a half-formed idea would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Greg J.
I used to have a Hart with a Hoehn top. I made a "rear sight" that went on the rear screw and let me sight down the middle of the forend stop on the target. So, getting it "lined up" was a breeze.

I'm now shooting on a Farley. More than once I've set everything down, thought I had it right, then noticed that I had it cattywampus. It was to the left of the target every time, but that might not be relevant.

Does anyone do anything that is similar to my old "crutch"? Even a half-formed idea would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Greg J.

I was wondering the same thing Greg, bought a used Farley a while back and haven't shot on it yet. I had a Sinclair with Ron's top and used to line up the rear screw with the center of the rest and the gun stop, worked for me, your idea sounded better. I'm going to shoot the Shamrock this coming weekend, I'll check around and find out what people do and let you know.

Dan Honert
I got a Farley last year. Wow. :)
I have not moved the pivot screw/main post to shoot at Kelbly's. It is still configured as a triangle.
So I just line it up as before. But, I try to remember to center the Pivot arm in the center of movement. Line up rear bag, to back screw, to gun stop, to the target. Then sight through. And make some minor adjustments.
I had 3 targets up at 100y. And had full range of movement on all 3 targets.
I got a Farley last year. Wow. :)
I have not moved the pivot screw/main post to shoot at Kelbly's. It is still configured as a triangle.
So I just line it up as before. But, I try to remember to center the Pivot arm in the center of movement. Line up rear bag, to back screw, to gun stop, to the target. Then sight through. And make some minor adjustments.
I had 3 targets up at 100y. And had full range of movement on all 3 targets.

Thanks Tim, I'll see if that works for me.

Dan Honert
Sure Dan.
Greg Reed said at Kelbly's to pivot the mounting screw.To line up the back screw and top left. And this will fit their benches.
Greg let me borrow his at the MI Regionals last Labor Day. I was sold.
3rd Day was Unlimited. 10 shot groups 200y., first. I shot my Lt. Varmint.
Ton of fun.
Glue a small magnet in place on the front stop (Bore a hole in the delrin and glue in a strong earth magnet). Then take another magnet, bore a hole thru it (or buy one with a hole in it), and attach a string to the magnet. When setting up, just join the two magnets and use the string to align both the rest and the rear bag. When you are ready, just remove the magnet and string.

SEB has some kind of string feature on his new rest, don´t know if it´s the same type.
Glue a small magnet in place on the front stop (Bore a hole in the delrin and glue in a strong earth magnet). Then take another magnet, bore a hole thru it (or buy one with a hole in it), and attach a string to the magnet. When setting up, just join the two magnets and use the string to align both the rest and the rear bag. When you are ready, just remove the magnet and string.

SEB has some kind of string feature on his new rest, don´t know if it´s the same type.

P. that sounds better than the golf club idea.
May I add something else. Fuzzy velcro on post(maybe top of post.). And Sticky velcro on string.
Velcro is even more simple:eek:

I started using superfeets under my farley rest last year, and it made the moving of the rest much easier. The main thing is to make sure that the rest is perpendicular to the end of the stock (or square to the fore arm). If not, you can forget to have any sort of tracking.
P. That is very important.
But, I have found out, something else. I had set up several targets. And was moving a little too much to the right. Ran out of arm movement. So I slide my rear rest to the left. The track loosened up. Wow. Where did that come from???
So I start with the course adjustment. And move rear rest for fine. check tracking.
Before this Epiphany. I could not see a difference on target. And see none after. But, it might be a sweet spot????
The front bag is VERY tight. Farley filled the bag. At first I thought it would be too hard.
But, now I think it is perfect.

And Dan and everyone else. Doing Score targets or going to the sighter.
MOVE to the target. Then move rifle back and forth. For a new seat. Adjust arm/POA.
Watch POA. Move again. It may seem slow. But, I was missing the X's. And sometimes the 10 ring. By the smallest measure.
For group. Just return to battery. Shoot.
Jan. NBRSA score WWCCA had 249/12X.
Missed a switch. For the missed 10. My fault. Not watching flags closely.
But, if I had saw the switch and slowed down. And made 2-3 very close X's.
Might have my first Score Tournament win.
Rich Quigley got his first win. So that was very good.
I think Rich is a more patient shooter. I am in a hurry.........:eek:
Velcro is even more simple:eek:

I started using superfeets under my farley rest last year, and it made the moving of the rest much easier. The main thing is to make sure that the rest is perpendicular to the end of the stock (or square to the fore arm). If not, you can forget to have any sort of tracking.

So, here is what I do:

1. Set the rear bag down where it is comfortable to get to.
2. Place the front rest so that the top is 24" from the front of the rear bag ears.
3. Align the front rest so that the rifle is square to the rest top.
4. Adjust on the rear bag so that it is lined up on the forend stop. I use one of my cleaning rods.
5. Check and re-adjust because it's never lined up on my target.

With my Hart, I was always lined up. I haven't figured out an easy way to do this with the Farley.

My base has the apex of the triangle at the front. Does anyone do it the other way? What's the configuration for Kelbly's benches?

If I can get the rest pointed at the target, I can get everything else.

Greg J.
Greg the apex screw is always at the back towards you. The other 2 feet go towards the target. You would raise and lower the POA with the back screw.
WHOOPS SORRY!!!!!!!!!!
I just went outside and looked in my truck. At my Farley.
The Farley is configured 180 degrees. The back screw is the front screw.
I point the front screw and make it parallel with the table edge. Then look for the base line mark, on the base. To make it perpendicular. Try to get them both square.
The important part is will the POA change when the rifle recoils. And be on target.

Then do the rest as described before.
The rifle should track Up and down. And POA would be above or below POA.
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I have experimented with this some. I have a partial solution using a simple carpenter's square. The assumption is that line passing through the rear legs is parallel to the center of the front bag.

It it not a general solution. It works on ranges where the target is near the plane of the bench top.

I think a take-off on the same idea will work in the general case. It'll take some experimenting.

Will post pictures when I get it ironed out enough that I won't be embarrassed.

Greg J.
I shoot rimfire with a Farley and with the bigger target at 50m it needs to be setup accurately.I have some little skid plates on the bottom of the rest, I just put the rest roughly on the bench with the screws wound up, then just put the gun in position and looking through the scope I just slide the rest around until its in the right spot and wind the screws down. It’s quick and the rest always ends up in the right place and the skid plates stop rough concrete chewing up the finish on the bottom of the rest.


What I did this past weekend at the Shamrock was, I put my rear bag down and sighted through it between the ears to the target, I then set the Farley down and lined up the gun stop with the rear bag and the target then put my rifle in the rest and checked for squareness with the Farley. That seemed to work for me, I also marked the bench once everthing was lined up, so when I came back for my relay all's I had to do was put the feet down and the Farley on the feet and the back bag in it's outline. One of my buddys set the base of his rest up so it is parallel with the side of the bench, that way he can sight along the side of the base to the target, then plant his rear bag.

Dan Honert