Lighter fluid as a bore cleaner?

You are good at throwing in things !!!!! Makes people think I think ?
Fred K
I'm with you.......think I'll stick with Rim Fire for routine cleaning. Never seen anything better. Rem Bore Cleaner when I want to clean everything out of the bore.
Fred K

I just threw that in there. A state policeman once told me that's how he cleaned his .357. I always thought he was a little nuts.
Now you know how politicians get elected. Some people will believe anything they say is good for their problems especially if they are tall, handsome and speak with charisma, ie: a person with all the answers they want to hear. I use rimfire blend and full synthetic oils and I ain't changing until someone can PROVE to me, and I can see it, they have something better.

This is a thread where everyone may be talking about something different. Some of you may be talking about butane. Others may be talking just any hydrocarbon solvent. Some may be trying to discuss naphtha. Maybe some of you are thinking alcohol, probably even alcohol plus water. Not likely any thing that makes sense will come of this thread!
It would be a big improvement if Rimfire Blend were distributed in the plastic cans with spouts on them like the lighter fluid cans.

Bore Tech, you can have this idea, for what it is worth, with my complements. You may chose to call it the Concho Can and give me a few, but you don't have to.:)

Concho Bill
hoppes number 9 and a bore scope-----sure look like nothing in there but steel to me

bore cleaner

Tidy Bowl toilet bowl cleaner will clean the bore and get rid of the fowl odor of burning powder and sulfur.
I've used soft scrub for carbon ring in my big guns before.
Cleans porcelain with out scratching:confused:
I thought it worked.
Non flammable brake cleaner - be sure you oil after use
as ALL oil and crude are blown away.
Lighter fluid is closer to kerosene than alcohol.
What people use is as big of debate as how to clean.
It all works - I settled on Kroil and nylon brushes and CLP
Every now and then bronze gets the nod.