Let's Hold a National Match



Start planning three months before:
~ Make a Check List of everything you can think of.
Two Months Before:
~ Get Vendors lined up.
~ Order Plaques & Trophies.
~ Solicit prizes to be handed out.
~ Order 1000 targets
One Month Before.
~ Get someone to do Breakfast & Lunches’
~ Try to get pre registrations.
Two Weeks Before:
~ Make a lot of calls & emails to get better idea of turnout.
~ Start Compiling list of shooters & bench sharing
~ Get Volunteers from the club to help
~. Check Range & Backers for things needing fixing.
One Week Before:
~ Check computer & printer – paper and ink cartridges.
~ Update list of Shooters
~ Set up scoring program & start entering names.
~ Pre Label Targets with Bench, Class & Relay.
~ Cut the Grass & Clean the Range, Bathrooms, Showers & Clubhouse.
~ Stock up staples like Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Trash Bags etc.
One Day Before:
~ Open Range at 0800 for Practice & Signup.
~ Spend the day answering questions & checking all is ready.
~ Draw for Benches
~ Check all of the above to make sure nothing fell through the crack.

Day of the Match;
~ Come in at 0600 and Recheck that all is ready.

Above are just a few of the things that make the difference between an average & a Professionally Run Match.

Bill Reahard & the Fairchance Gun Club did all of the above & more!
This was one of the best run nationals I have had the pleasure of attending!!
Thanks Bill
I agree Doug. I sent Bill an email last night saying what a great job he did with the match. I will say it again, you did a super job Bill.
I ran one this summer

Without all the all the key people who helped me get it done, I would not have been able to get it done. As far as I am concerned, the credit for mine goes to them.
Good stuff Doug!!

For the big matches, I also like to secure a dedicated target crew and scorer/scoring team.

I believe by separating the competitors completely from those administrative functions
leaves a better impression.