Left the range


Sad benchrest news
it is with great sadness that i report the passing of my friend and mentor bill mellor.
After a lengthy multi-year battle with alzheimer's, bill mellor passed away today.
Bill was a 30+ year shooter in the california benchrest scene. He was an ex director, california state champion and sniper king winner. He went to the cactus for over twenty years, and traveled to at least five nbrsa nationals. Many of you knew bill and i hope you keep his family in your thoughts.

Dan lutke
Bill Mellor was the person who got me into Benchrest after shooting local matches in the 1980's. He gave a lot to the sport with his time & efforts- writing match reports, being a Director and generally helping people. Very sad that he deteriorated the way that he did. Condolences to the family and may he rest in peace. Francis
Bill Mellor

I was very sorry to hear about Bill's passing, I know how much he meant to you.
I shot with Bill a lot over the past 20 years and he was a fixture at our club matches ever since we started them in the early 90's.
Bill was always ready to lend a hand to help with whatever was needed, even if it was at the expense of his own performance.
I know he had been deteriorating quite a bit over the last couple of years with his struggle with Alzheimers, at least now he is at peace.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
We are diminished.
Rest In Peace Bill

Bill was a good and longtime friend. Shot with him in several California matches as well as all the Visalia matches. He was always up for the shoots until Alzheimer's took him. Rest easy now my friend. Again we are diminished. I know it's tough for you too Dan, Sorry. ------Bill
Sad benchrest news
it is with great sadness that i report the passing of my friend and mentor bill mellor.
After a lengthy multi-year battle with alzheimer's, bill mellor passed away today.
Bill was a 30+ year shooter in the california benchrest scene. He was an ex director, california state champion and sniper king winner. He went to the cactus for over twenty years, and traveled to at least five nbrsa nationals. Many of you knew bill and i hope you keep his family in your thoughts.

Dan lutke

Sorry to get this news, Dan...another tough loss for the Benchrest community. My sincere condolences to you and Dan's family.

Some tough news right there. Condolences to his family and to all his friends. Bill was a good fellow....