Lead Mine and smelter closeing down

Gerry some notes

To find out information on St. Joe Lead company (Doe Run) in Herculaneum, Missouri Just put in St. Joe Lead and the entire history will be available to read from day one.

Doe Run has been closing for years in Herculaneum.
The secondary plant is in Boss, Missouri and this information can be found on the web.
I do not see a problem, might be wrong.
lead mine and smelter closing down

Actually it doesn't surprise me about any of these sell outs,
We hear more and more about them every day.
so what's the DEAL that's been made ? What politician is getting Rich off of this one?
There has to be more motives to close this one down. I smell a SKUNK in this deal.
It can't be just environmental issues. How many workers will loose their jobs?
How many small business will be effected? How will it effect the supporting businesses?
How much for the Clean up?, who is going to pay for it?.
Actually it doesn't surprise me about any of these sell outs,
We hear more and more about them every day.
so what's the DEAL that's been made ? What politician is getting Rich off of this one?
There has to be more motives to close this one down. I smell a SKUNK in this deal.
It can't be just environmental issues. How many workers will loose their jobs?
How many small business will be effected? How will it effect the supporting businesses?
How much for the Clean up?, who is going to pay for it?.

So google Doe Run, many if not all of your answers are there.:D
lead mine and smelter closing down

Theirs more about this on accurate shooter .com Read what the NRA has to say about this.
IT may effect us home bullet makers.