Lead Mine and smelter closeing down


Active member
I received an Email today from a good Friend Telling me a major mining operation and lead smelter is closing down, Due to the EPA.
Did anyone else hear about this?

Wonder when the EPA will shut down all the volcanos? Talk about point source for emissions. EPA needs to do a little work over in China also. In another area, the government is working on the coal mines through the EPA and the Mining Safety Health Administration. Some have closed their doors.
We need more regulations. This lead thing is just another end run through the EPA by the anti's.

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lead mine and smelter closing down

We don't need more regulations we need to shut down the EPA system.
Most of the decisions made by government have done nothing but shut industry down.
We don't need more regulations we need to shut down the EPA system.
Most of the decisions made by government have done nothing but shut industry down.

You're telling me, i'm living the dream....................The Mining Safety Health Administration fined me for letting a private individual fish on MY property without a life jacket................from the bank. I could write a book.



Looks like the state of Missouri (along with the EPA) moved to protect the people living in southeast Missouri from a major health problem caused by this plant--59 tons of lead released into the atmosphere in 2005. Lead poisoning is very serious, especially for kids. I'm glad we have state and federal agencies that enforce regulations to ensure health and safety. This company appears to have a long record of ignoring safe practices.
lead mine and smelter closing down

That was over a long long period of time. One mine in particular.
The problems are timing. We had a fisher body plant here that closed down by the EPA for air quality.
GM needed a year and a half to comply to the EPA standards, EPA denied the necessary time to convert .
Lets just say they are a bit over aggressive at Times.
Still Silver prices will raise again along with lead prices and copper and zinc prices. Lets just hope that some of the locations reopen
when they get their plants converted.
The EPA has shut down far too many plants killing industry , they need a closer look , we depend far too much on imports.
It seems that the EPA wasn't doing a proper job in the first place.

That plant was opened in 1982.....the EPA was in business for 12 years prior to that.

Shouldn't they have opened with a set of strict guidelines to follow and been kept in compliance all along with periodical inspections etc???????

Maybe somebody wasn't paying enough of a kickback......just a thought.

The EPA has in effect started a new industry on the stock market, so your comment on kick back isn't far off.
{ you can buy points to discharge pollutants On the stock markets}
You're telling me, i'm living the dream....................The Mining Safety Health Administration fined me for letting a private individual fish on MY property without a life jacket................from the bank. I could write a book.



Dave, that would be hillarious if it wasn't so damn pathetic ! The government protecting us from ourselves, ain't that nice. Not!
Ok, I see. I thought there was a link to a particular article or something.

Something I found interesting was that after reading all the different of articles about the smelter closing down, I never found anything about anyone actually having a medical condition due to the smelter.

lead mine and smelter closing down

So we will be importing more lead, while we have enough of our own.
Lead ore contains SILVER zinc, and some traces of copper
That means that silver prices will rise , we also need the zinc a component of bullet jackets. Of course copper also.
The real clinch is the silver .
Sure there will be enough Lead for our bullets but why import a product when we have our own?
IT s more of the same thing EPA shutting down American industry.
Company that is shutting down in Mo. also has a large plant in Peru, S.A. which will stay in production, its also my understanding they have smelting plants in other counties also.
lead mine and smelter closing down

That's not surprising. But figure where is the silver going to stay?. Then how much will it cost for transportation?
I'm looking at domestic use here in the USA.
This word market crap is bogus, we import way more then we export.
I see it s another attack on American industry.
I have worked in the Lead Industry (same company) for 34 years. When I started it was a US – Canadian company then an all-Canadian company and after that it changed two more times, both multi-national global.

A lot of smoke and mirrors.

So we will be importing more lead, while we have enough of our own.

Just as we import oil. Nothing new here. Heck, take a look where almost all of our electronics come from.
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