Landy's new toy

I get off on this. . .

I'll just tease for now.

Whippin out the buttplate and found a few additional features on some software.

This is fricken Saaaahhhhhwwwweeeeeeet!

Gimme a couple hours and I'll have some pics


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So here's what I've been up to. . .

Oky doke. We have a stock ready for paint but I needed a buttplate for it. Since I couldn't find one I liked on the shelf I decided to make one. Then I decided to waste the entire day experimenting.

This is kinda neat I think.

I cut the stock so that I'd have a clean surface. I traced the outline with a sharpie and then took a photo of it using a gauge block for reference.

Then through the power of software I use the picture to drive a model. WALA, Houston we have a 3D surfaced buttplate. This is good because whacking this out with a file and sander is not my idea of a good time.

Now onto the next part. Since the gun is getting "flamed" I figure the plate better match. So I had the resident artist draw up some tribal flames and I basically did the same thing all over again.

Now it's onto machining the flames onto the surface. Still working on that but I think I got-er licked.

Killed a day but I was having so much fun screwing with this that I don't care. It'll Be COOL and that's what really matters (right?)

Have a great night!





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Very Cool Chad.

I like the path you are taking with those machines you have set up.
I will be on the watch for future post.

If I could do all this on a PC, I'd be wasting many days too...carbon drawer liners? why not? ;)
Power of the software?

I cut the stock so that I'd have a clean surface. I traced the outline with a sharpie and then took a photo of it using a gauge block for reference.

Then through the power of software I use the picture to drive a model. WALA, Houston we have a 3D surfaced buttplate. This is good because whacking this out with a file and sander is not my idea of a good time.

Chad, could you elaborate a little on how you went from a sharpie drawing to a photo to a scale drawing in the cad?

That would be a great help to a cnc tinker like me.

Thanks Gary
Afraid I'm a bit of a tease. There's a few cards I want to keep close to the chest. This would be one of them.

Thanks for understanding.

No problem, I doubt it is one of the world’s great mysteries so I will figure it out.

A few updates.

Here she is before applying the clear. Base color and pinstriping done. The platinum just didn't look right so the pinstriper suggested the "smurf blue". I was reluctant at first but it's growing on me and I think when the clear goes on it'll really wake up.


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interesting.Lets see how the clear comes out.How's she shooting?
99.9999% there. Few more touches.

Still have to color sand and give her the final buffing but here's a good representation of how it'll look complete.

Not too shabby. Now just to wait for some decent weather. Raining like crazy today.
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Saw the end result in the other post-Congrats Landy, Chad!Now show us how she shoots...
Performance. . .

Afraid Landy will have to tell that story. This is an exerpt from his email to me this morning. He took delivery yesterday.

"To say I'm impressed with the work would be an understatement. She looks great!" "I got her scoped, grabbed a box of ammo, and cleaned the cobwebs outta the bore with 10 x 5-shot groups in my tunnel. I averaged 0.266" for the 10 groups and I'm confident I'll do much better with some lot testing and a little tweaking of my rest system. Very encouraging after just a quick stretching of her legs!"

This group size is almost 100% linear to what I was getting at 100 yards guys. I shot the snot out of it last weekend and once things settled it was holding just under half minute elevation and about 5/8 minute for L/R. It can be a little breezy at the Spearfish canyon range down by the tgts the last 25 yards or so.

I think once some lot testing is performed and the barrel gets a bit more time on it, it'll wake up and really be a good performer. I hope so anyway. With paint like that it'd better have a blown/injected big block "under the hood" right??

Have a great weekend.

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