Krupa Wins at WWCCA - Potential World Record

Lee Hachigian

Active member
Joe won the 2-Gun at WWCCA this (wet) weekend with a fine .1931 agg. He also shot a potential World Record HV Grand Agg of .1742

Joe Krupa, .1931
George Carter, .2130
Bob Hammack, .2155
Lowell Hottenstein, .2374
Geary Koglin, .2394

LV Grand:
Lowell Hottenstein, .2102
George Carter, .2106
Joe Krupa, .2121
Bob Hammack, .2420

Lowell Hottenstein, .1918
Joe Krupa, .1960
Bret Hail, .2068

200 LV
George Carter, .1773
Geary Koglin, .2107
Bob Hammack, .2236

HV Grand:
Bob Hammack, .1889
Greg Reed, .1914
George Carter, .2154

HV 100:
Joe Krupa, .1638
Greg Reed, .1780
George Carter, ..1790

HV 200:
Joe Krupa, .1846
Bob Hammack, .1942
Larry Caston, .2016HV 100:

Fine Shooting Joe!

Lee :D
a "handful"...

Good shooting Joe, you have certainly become a "handful"!!!
PS: I think I should leave my extra gambling money at home when I go to Phoenix! Then again, maybe not!
Congratulations to Joe on winning the 2 gun and for setting a potential record, you once again proved you are a world class shooter!
Congrats to George also on his 2nd place finish, I'll bet Vera has a lot to put up with on the ride home.
A "teen" 2-gun? AND a possible HV grand record?? Joe, you are getting so good the NBRSA board should look into forcing you to shoot 6 shot groups! Hey, we all need a break! :D

George, Bob, Lowell and the other top finishers: way to go!

Kroop, that is some really superb shooting, my friend.

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Unbelievable consistency!!!

Joe is perhaps the most consistent shooter that is shooting today. He has his bad days of course, but they seem to be "scarcer and scarcer" . Congratulations on some very fine shooting. James Mock
Way to go Joe congratulations, along with all of the other top shooters that attended the WWCCA shoot. How many attended? Wish I could have been there.

Dan Honert
Nice shooting, Joe!

Some world records to go into your portfolio. Congratulations!!!! You sure do have something figured out.;)

way to go big joe allways a pleasure to see you do well,and to shoot with you at the shamrock.
Good shooting Joe. With you shooting like that and O'cock shooting like he's been doing, it sure should make the nationals interesting.