KM Arbor Press


Hi, i am looking to get a press and was considering the one with the force measurement and dial indicator , question is that on there web site they list two chioces , one being a standard version and the other a low force version,
I'm wanting to use this Arbore press for 6ppc /BR , which one is the better choice ?

All replies appreciated,
Not certain you'll appreciate this one. Just get an arbor press that will easily and comfortably seat a bullet in a 6PPC case. One without all the bells and whistles.
I went the simple route figuring that once the die was set, I didn't need anything other than the plain Jane arbor press to squarely press things home. Bob White even talked me out of getting a micrometer topped Wilson seating die and using a plain die and a set of shims for finer adjustments. I do have the K&M but the plain one.
