Kettlefoot Gun Club update

ox in this pull. So how many individual shooters shot UBR last year, not including any who shot multiple classes? Tks

I'm not sure what you are asking. There were around 200 individuals, maybe as many as 210, who shot in matches. Many of these competed in two or more classes during the season (some during the same match) and at the Nationals some shot in three or four classes. If competitors were listed as IBS does, there would be that number (200+). If you are asking how many rifles competed (counting all the classes) the number would be substantially high. If you look at the results page on the website you can see what matches were held and how many rifles competed and in what class on a given day. If this doesn't answer your question, try wording it differently and I'll attempt to do a better job of answering.

The old saying don't knock until you try it applies here. It's almost unanimous that shooters shooting UBR for the first time like it and continue shooting them. Nice thing is how easy it is for a new shooter to shoot a UBR match, doesn't have to have a custom rifle, he can shoot factory class to see if he likes it. Seems like the average age in this sport is getting older each year and we definatly need to get younger people involved if we want to grow or maintain our sport.
I'm very glad to hear that Kettlefoot will be joing the ranks of other UBR ranges next season. It's truly a fantastic facility and that was before a lot of recent improvements! I'm blessed to have so many places to shoot and participate in a game I love and to do so with the best people I've ever been affiliated with, as a group. You just can't beat the benchrest community, period. I will put Kettlefoot on my list of ranges that I will attend this year. I look forward to the match and hopefully meeting and making some new friends while I'm there. Congrats to all involved in making this happen. It's a little further to travel but I might even make a UBR match at Thurmont Conservation Club this season...another crown jewell of available places to shoot. Thanks and congrats to those involved in getting this done as well.

I plan to shoot as much as possible this year, both UBR and IBS..might even throw in a group match or two somewhere in my schedule. Looking very forward to a fun year of finally getting back to shooting more! It's been a long time coming...I've been able to shoot a little but was a struggle to get in the time over the last few years. I'm getting excited already! Now, just to find the right bank to rob!--Mike
If nothing else

I managed to get you lads to publish how many shooters you have and that you have new people interested. I am also pleased that every time I rant you get new interest. I'd be happy to do it monthly if you like. Anything to help. :)

I would also note that there are folks who show up and shoot Factory rifles at IBS matches once in awhile. I think there may be a few who do it @ Johnstown at each match and mebby even Connecticut. That option has always been there but there has never been much real interest, long term, that I have seen since 1998. Heck, I even began with a Factory rifle but quickly got a Hunter rifle, a real Benchrest Rifle :) .

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Good Luck with the young

The old saying don't knock until you try it applies here. It's almost unanimous that shooters shooting UBR for the first time like it and continue shooting them. Nice thing is how easy it is for a new shooter to shoot a UBR match, doesn't have to have a custom rifle, he can shoot factory class to see if he likes it. Seems like the average age in this sport is getting older each year and we definatly need to get younger people involved if we want to grow or maintain our sport.

Millennials don't like guns or shooting and young people often don't have the extra money for a sport that is spendy. Every shooting sport has the same issue there. Different sets of spending priorities, young vs older. Retirees is the best source of new shooters, from what I have seen.

Millennials don't like guns or shooting and young people often don't have the extra money for a sport that is spendy. Every shooting sport has the same issue there. Different sets of spending priorities, young vs older. Retirees is the best source of new shooters, from what I have seen.


So you don’t even try to get new young shooters involved?
not unless they can demonstrate they have the desire and money to continue. Retired people often do.


If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. A surprising number of our new shooters are in their 40's and younger.

I've newly come to the Retired

If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. A surprising number of our new shooters are in their 40's and younger.


I haven't run CF matches for a number of years now but have run RF matches during that time until last year. Comes a time when enough is enough. It has been my experience where I ran matches that young people do not have the resources to participate at a competitive level, generally speaking. I found that a few people who have good jobs will spend to compete but mostly our new shooters came from the ranks of the retired, be it disability or age. Its one thing to show up and shoot an event or two but if someone is going to stick it out, they must have the financial wherewithal to do so. Just my experience of my time in the Breech.

Wilbur stated a while ago on here that the issue of travel costs was a major hurtle. I'd be paraphrasing him here but it is. The cost of travel , overnight travel is nearly prohibitive today, in my point of view. I can still do it but I have a life outside of shooting and the cost of that has advanced right along with the shooting. We make our choices. I have never been a fanatic with regard to shooting, not driven to win, as I have said on here more than once. I don't love shooting rifles. They are but a tool to compete with and I have enjoyed competing to simply be there much of the time. I have enjoyed the tuning as much as the shooting, perhaps more.

I just love to shoot BR
None of this my kind is the best

I will say UBR is being shot at the local club level un registered matches with huge attendance NC SC TN GA KY VA PA OH
A local range to me in Asheville just a few short years ago had never seen a BR rifle. Now there are 20 to 30 of them shooting UBR each month and having a blast. Some have now attended a couple IBS matches
A local range to me in Asheville just a few short years ago had never seen a BR rifle. Now there are 20 to 30 of them shooting UBR each month and having a blast.

Are those 20 to 30 shooters at one match (as opposed to a cumulative number over several matches)? At the monthly club matches at River Bend, we don’t have anywhere near that many. What do you suppose is the reason for such a large disparity in numbers?

BTW, are the matches typically one aggregate, or two?
Are those 20 to 30 shooters at one match (as opposed to a cumulative number over several matches)? At the monthly club matches at River Bend, we don’t have anywhere near that many. What do you suppose is the reason for such a large disparity in numbers?

BTW, are the matches typically one aggregate, or two?
They shoot 100yds one month 200 the next alternating
It's not unusual to see 20 competitors
at a match
They do not limit it to members only. I'm sure makes a difference in their numbers as opposed to allowing members only
They shoot 100yds one month 200 the next alternating
It's not unusual to see 20 competitors
at a match
They do not limit it to members only. I'm sure makes a difference in their numbers as opposed to allowing members only

Hey Tim, If you are referring to River Bends club matches non members are welcome. I have shot the club matches in the past and plan on shooting them in the future, you need to come on down and bring a friend with.

Dan Honert
They shoot 100yds one month 200 the next alternating
It's not unusual to see 20 competitors
at a match
They do not limit it to members only. I'm sure makes a difference in their numbers as opposed to allowing members only

Just for clarity...I think Tim is saying that the Ashville matches alternate yardages match to match. He may be talking about River Bend, as I think they do the same. My point is that the vast majority of UBR matches are 2 yardage grand agg events. FWIW.. Some clubs do it one way and others do it another.

And Tim is also correct in saying that there is no membership requirement to shoot a registered UBR match. Just show up and shoot...there's a class for everyone.
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Just for clarity...I think Tim is saying that the Ashville matches alternate yardages match to match. He may be talking about River Bend, as I think they do the same.

Nope, River Bend's matches are two yardages (100 & 200). I've wondered if the low attendance is due to the extra time it takes to shoot two yardages; however, I'm typically hesitant to drive very far for a single yardage match.

BTW, any ideas as to the low turn-out referenced in my post above?
Nope, River Bend's matches are two yardages (100 & 200). I've wondered if the low attendance is due to the extra time it takes to shoot two yardages; however, I'm typically hesitant to drive very far for a single yardage match.

BTW, any ideas as to the low turn-out referenced in my post above?

The only range that I am aware of that shoots one yardage is Brock's Gap. They only have a 100 yard range at this time. But they shoot 2 -100 yard matches. They do have plans to add a 200 yard sometime this year. Most of the folks who compete come to shoot and prefer to shoot a 2 yardage agg. I suspect that the low turnout has to do with several factors. For one you are not close to any other active ranges. I think if UBR was promoted a bit more among your active shooters to their friends things would improve, but that's a guess. The only other place that I am aware of that is having problems drawing interest is BGSL. I have no comment on their lack of turnout. Things happen. The new ranges that were added last season (Red Brush & Alleghany) had good turnouts for all matches.

Nope, River Bend's matches are two yardages (100 & 200). I've wondered if the low attendance is due to the extra time it takes to shoot two yardages; however, I'm typically hesitant to drive very far for a single yardage match.

BTW, any ideas as to the low turn-out referenced in my post above?

I must be thinking about Brock's Gap in Alabama. Nevertheless, my point is that the vast majority are 2 yardage grand agg events. Sorry for the confusion on my part.

That said, I won't drive far for a single yardage match and I know others that feel the same way. I'm sure that works both ways for some people but I think grand aggs pros outweigh the cons. When I go to a match, I don't worry much about what time I get home...I'm there for the duration, regardless. Un;ess the number of relays are limited, the end times of a match are not in our control, per se. I personally prefer a 9am start over an 8am because it might mean getting up at 3am instead of 4, which isn't far from my normal wake up time. JMHO, but I'd rather be an hour later getting home to sleep an hour later to get there.

I don't know why participation isn't better there. I've not shot that range yet and I'd be speaking out of turn either way. Jim did send me their schedule the other day. That helps.

I'll say this much, fwiw. When we had matches at Gallatin and UBR was just starting, we had both IBS and UBR shoots at the same time. Both suffered. Once we decided to go straight UBR it has been very good since.
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Asheville NC
They shoot a 100 yd match one month then a 200 the next
Works well for them.
So close for me by the time I shoot custom and unlimited its enough shooting for me for one day
Says the man...

... If we can't discuss things like this openly and honestly, where are we as adults?



...whose first post used the words Mickey Mouse when referring to UBR.

If you don't like something then shoot what discipline floats your boat, but don't piss down other peoples legs who enjoy something different than you. Elitist crap.