Kelbly Atlas project

Well I'll be dipped.....

Stock is dipped, getting clear coated and will be back in my sod hut on the prairie Wednesday.

Hope to be testing in a few days. -Al

Stock is dipped, getting clear coated and will be back in my sod hut on the prairie Wednesday.

Hope to be testing in a few days. -Al


BIG MIKE will be sending you a spare RED HAMMER!:p That puppy looks alive already - may need a shock-collar to keep it under control! :eek:RG
Final product:




Here's the inspiration for the stock work...the infamous RFD Red Hammer Gun that I was fortunate to own and be involved with, along with the late Stan Ware and Randy 'R.G.' Robinett.

It's unfortunate that Precision Shooting Magazine is no more, as that gun is worthy of an entire article on it's star crossed history, the 'Incident At Holmen' that gave it it's name, it's sale, resurrection, it's ultimate place in the winners circle and an episode of 'Lassie Come Home'.... it's final journey back to it's original owner, Randy Robinett.



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I like the "Three-Hole Buick" stock!! :cool:


BIG MIKE was confused by the three eyes . . . AND the differing sized wrench-ports!:p As expected, another very nice job by Al! :cool:

The, "RED HAMMER INCIDENT", precipitated by the handle coming loose on the RFD, following some great coaching by Stan, which finally had resulted in reliable ignition, led to, as Al points out, a journey to true precision, and a testament to Stan Ware's gunsmithing knowledge and skills! :)
When the snake returned to the cave, a resurrected BIG MIKE promptly won, via a sweep of both yardages a tournament at Webster City. :eek: After a LONG stint as a "safe-queen", and the frustration of dealing with mistimed fire-control, handling this rifle provides a powerful motivation to not let Stan down.:D RG
Good first outing

No surprises and everything performed as expected. With the barrel break-in 'break-in' ;) done, the copper was gone in two shots. Fair amount of L-R push and the mirage would flip before the flags moved, even with push, so you had to be careful....pretty normal for my home range, though. A little run-boil-run caught me a bit late on the trigger and added probably .025 or so of vertical to this one.....aaarrrggghhh. :eek:




I'm not familiar with the stock, the fore end looks to have a semi round bottom ?

What was the velocity.. Darn nice start ----- and finish !

Back to the 40 grain NBT's.. I've used them a good bit in a .223 AI.. Run them very close to 4k, 3,900 is loafing along.. Very accurate and are very nice hunters!
A similar set up is the 70NBT in the 6 Creed, a bit more of the same.
I'm not familiar with the stock, the fore end looks to have a semi round bottom ?

Pat, the stock is a Kelbly's Varminter pattern. The fore end is dead flat on the bottom, though the sides are rounded.

It's the first time I've used this pattern stock and it's starting to grow on me. There's a few things I'd change but nothing big. I'm not a cheek piece guy as they can interfere with the ears on the rear bag. Now, this stock has a cheek piece but Kelbly's has wisely kept the lower edge up high enough so it doesn't touch the ears on a common short ear rear bag. The barrel channel is large enough to take a LV barrel profile. The comb on the butt is a bit high for the large handles on Dewey cleaning rods but that's an easy fix. On the rods like a Pro Shot, etc. with smaller handles there would be no issues. Kelbly's will supply the stocks with 1/4" pilot holes for the action screws so I can do the pillars like Frank Sinatra...."my way". ;)

On the next outing, the BIB 47's and the Nosler 40 gr. BTips will get tested. My other 22BR is a #4 Lilja barreled for fox and coyote hunting. It loves the 40 BTips over enough BMark to get 4,050-4,080 at Winter temps.

Good shootin'. :) -Al