Kav is home from Alfganistan!!

Butch Lambert

Active member
Talked to our Painter, officer, and good friend. He called from Camp Lejuene. I am so happy that he is home and safe. He will go to his base in Florida and maybe be here in Texas for the Christmas Holidays.

Talked to our Painter, officer, and good friend. He called from Camp Lejuene. I am so happy that he is home and safe. He will go to his base in Florida and maybe be here in Texas for the Christmas Holidays.

How about passing on a sincere thank you from myself and all of my like minded friends for his service to his country.

Lou Baccino
Welcome home, and thank you

Welcome home and thanks to all our people who serve.
Hope the rest can come home soon.

Kav, your service is appreciated. I want everyone to take the time and shake the hand of a member of the service or a Veteran and thank them for their service. You'll be surprised at their response. Was great to see their smile brighten the room.
Wonder if he came home with some new paint "themes" for stocks. I've got an idea for one if he starts painting again. I have one he did and it is fantastic.
Welcome back Michael, and THANK YOU for your service!!!
How About A Picture

I would love to see a picture of Kav decked out in Dress Uniform.

He has come a long way. Our hearfelt thanks to him and all of our brave Servicemen.........jackie
I am very glad he is home ok, My own son got back from Afghanistan just in time for Christmas he is ok also. FT Campbell, Kentucky is his base. Scuttlebutt has it they will be redeployed back to Afghanistan about June or July. Matthew is a Sargent ( level unknown) Army Rangers, special ops.
Hey Kav,

Thanks a million amigo....lifting a glass & hope you have a great return to the republic of TX!!!

Thanks guys...

Been home for a bit now but just got internet hooked back up and moving back into another residence.

Still trying to learn to shower again... got used to using water bottles/buckets, kinda miss the fresh aroma of foot rot of 15 other guys piled into a tent with ya, and I still run out every morning and coat myself with dust before heading to work.

Though it sucked over there I was very happy to get out of there before it got cold... it went from 120 to 74 one night and I thought I was gonna freeze to death. I then spoke to a local who said it gets in the 20s during the winter.. YIKES.

Also, on a serious note, I would like to remind everyone to remember the fallen. Many guys lost their lives out there fighting and they were great guys.

Anybody wants to see some pics of the happenings you can find images by googling Operation Khanjar.

Take care all
Please give Kav my thanks for his service and a hearty welcome home. I have 26 yrs service and wish I could be there now.