Just to stir the pot.


Big Al

From and e-mail I received today.


I found this to be and interesting read from a guy that makes his living making some of the finest out door gear in the world. Highly respected by us folks in Alaska.
Big Al, we just had 5 or 6 inches of Global Warming evidence, the white kind, yesterday afternoon and last night. How can anyone deny that sort of evidence of global warming. :eek:

One of the guys who shared in the Nobel Prize with our hero Algore, and who's a professor at U of Montana, tells us that just because we're having cold(er than normal) weather isn't any reason to not believe that global warming exists. I suppose that if he were a wildlife biologist he'd tell us that grizzly bears REALLY were sweet and lovable. The fact that one of them was gnawing on you at the moment would not be evidence to the contrary. :eek:
Good read from a hands on guy. I used down for 5 yrs packing into wilderness areas for up to 2wks at a time. I stuck to it because it's so freaking LIGHT and COMPRESSIBLE, I could carry a good bag in my pack @ less than 4.5lb w/stuffsack............. but I finally gave up on down.

I don't think most folks realize that dehydration means SWEATING whether you're getting wet or not you give off a quart of water overnight, it has to go somewhere.

This is the kind of info you do NOT get from the glossy mainstream rags :) in fact I've got an OL article and a F&S article cut out that I reprint and use in my Hunter Ed class to illustrate how NOT TO SURVIVE in the woods! Some of the info from the magazines can get you dead.

You guys are too much. Al one of the things that caught my attention was in Arctic survival class many years ago, was that just normal breathing was a huge loss in cold conditions of water from the body.

I don't know if you guys clicked on the link on that article that was provided on his news letter? Good information.

I have never in my life seen a lie like this global warming crap get this kind of propaganda.

I think Joseph Goebbels would have been proud.:mad:
I found this to be and interesting read from a guy that makes his living making some of the finest out door gear in the world. Highly respected by us folks in Alaska.
Yeah, well, some circles respect his gear, but still think he's as "Wiggy" as they come. :D
OK, I spent two yrs in the Army in Alaska -- where we wait until the weather gets really foul and then go on manoeuvres. Let me note too that I was a Medic. The two principal issues in extreme cold weather are dehydration and constipation.

Humidity in sub zero weather is ZERO. All the moisture in the air is frozen, and inaccessible. So your body works overtime to hydrate the air you breathe. You get frost around your mouth/nose, on your parka hood from the moisture in your breath -- the moisture you're expending by breathing.

Constipation . . . Just to follow up here. Dehydration affects constipation, but also the troops are disinclined to strip down and take care of business in sub-zero weather. "Colder than a commode seat on the shady side of an iceberg" comes to mind . . .
Geo. OR: you forgot the part about running your finger up your tail pipe and yelling snake just to pee pee.

My favorite is, heating down the snow to make water and finding the moose has been there before you.
Cold weather dress

I learned a hard lesson in the mountains of Vermont several years ago during a nighttime coyote hunt. I had layered my clothing but had a fleece pullover on before my final piece of outerwear. Hiking to the top of a mountain on a snowmobile trail worked up quite a sweat; there was 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground. When I got to the top of the first plateau, I was drenched in sweat. Now it was about 5 degrees F with a storm blowing in. I was able to gather enough kindling and firewood to make a fire in an abandoned marble quarry cave and dried my clothing by the fire. I learned an important lesson from that and that is to dress properly when it's cold. The body perspires and that moisture has to be able to vent or escape through your clothing. If it doesn't escape, it stays trapped and when you stop moving the moisture turns cold and you can be in big trouble due to hypothermia. I've since discarded the fleece and went with a layering system that I put together at Eastern Mountain Sports. They have a numbering system for their sports wear that starts with a number 1 for clothing that goes on first. You can assemble your own clothing requirements depending on your level of activity, with number 4 being your last layer. Reading this article about this expedition leads me to believe that these people are way out of their element. The Artic is no place for well meaning amateurs and has a way of 'culling' the herd. These people are about to learn a very harsh lesson.

Lou Baccino
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It has been noted that there is a shift away by many of the salesmen from using the term "Global Warming" to now use "Climate change". The warming and cooling fit in with "change" far better and so the bull can be sold both ways. The extreme cold you guys are having, the long hot dry and bushfire ridden summer southern Australia has just had will all go into the statistics that support "climate change". This is all about carbon trading and like the dot coms of last century, this is the new con. Any extremes of weather are going to be used as a reason to support the need to be seen to do (pay) something that will help the earth heal.
Paying more money because you used something you already paid for is a hard sell, but they are succeeding at it.

Tony Z.
It has been noted that there is a shift away by many of the salesmen from using the term "Global Warming" to now use "Climate change". The warming and cooling fit in with "change" far better and so the bull can be sold both ways. The extreme cold you guys are having, the long hot dry and bushfire ridden summer southern Australia has just had will all go into the statistics that support "climate change". This is all about carbon trading and like the dot coms of last century, this is the new con. Any extremes of weather are going to be used as a reason to support the need to be seen to do (pay) something that will help the earth heal.
Paying more money because you used something you already paid for is a hard sell, but they are succeeding at it.

Tony Z.
The problem with that theory is, well, there are several.
First it assumes that we have somehow caused that change in climate. The hard science is that this is not true. The most obvious evidence of this is that the climates have been seen to be changing on some of the other planets in this solar system as well. I do not think that 3 rovers have emitted enough of anything to be responsible for Mars.
Then there is the problem of the upper atmosphere temps. They are NOT following the model of change as a result of Greenhouse gas buildup.
It's not about changing the climate do much as it is about building a foundation of guilt to exploit. It's about control.
Worse yet is that the logical next thought would be, by working to prevent warming, are we in fact going to CAUSE the next Ice Age by reducing and depleting the greenhouse gasses.
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They have a numbering system for their sports wear that starts with a number 1 for clothing that goes on first. You can assemble your own clothing requirements depending on your level of activity, with number 4 being your last layer.

My mom had a lettering system when i was younger. L & R ....:eek:
new con. Any extremes of weather are going to be used as a reason to support the need to be seen to do (pay) something that will help the earth heal.
Paying more money because you used something you already paid for is a hard sell, but they are succeeding at it.

Tony Z.

Pal, in NSW if you have a farm and it rains, you get a water bill from the NSW government for every drop of water that droped free from the sky on your own land.
In NSW and Victoria farmers are billed some of them $100-300 000/year for water, that they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE!
The Greens are succeeding in it only because the whole World is full of greedy brainwashed apes. What hope is there if Al Gore even managed to get a Nobel Prize for all his hyped up lies.Rad