jgs 1045 fl size die

Hi Stephan,
If the brass is sizing the dia of the shoulder to .001" smaller in diameter than the fired size and at .200 above the base it is about .001 thou smaller in diameter than fired size, then adjust your die to set the shoulder back until the brass has almost no resistance closing (feel a little resitance in the last half of the bolt closing) you will have a pretty good set up..This is done with the firing pin and spring removed .This usually is somewhere between .0005 and -0015" of shoulder set back depending on how close your die matches your chamber.

Dear John,

thank you very much! I guess that shoulder bump is set up correctly right now (bolt will fall to roughly half closed position and can be closed with minimal resistance).

I will check the diameters of fired (unsized) and sized cases based on your input and provide feedback here!

Thank you, I highly appreciate your support :)
Dear John,

thank you very much! I guess that shoulder bump is set up correctly right now (bolt will fall to roughly half closed position and can be closed with minimal resistance).

I will check the diameters of fired (unsized) and sized cases based on your input and provide feedback here!

Thank you, I highly appreciate your support :)

I checked both diameters on several cases and found a difference of < .001 (roughly .0006-.0008 maybe).
Probably not too bad!
Hi Stephan,
That should work ok. The shoulder bump sounds perfect. If you are not getting "the click" at the top of your bolt lift then you are good with what you have.
Hi Stephan,
That should work ok. The shoulder bump sounds perfect. If you are not getting "the click" at the top of your bolt lift then you are good with what you have.

Hi John,
after several reloads I experience the "click" when opening the bolt. For me it seems as if this is a normal process and the cases are hardening (I do not anneal and I have never tried).

Actually I am not really sure how much the "click" effects accuracy, but I try not to use such cases at state/national level (P.S. I shoot for score with my rifle as there are very few BR matches in germany and also they are typically very far from where I live).
In your experience, how much does a work hardened case effect accuracy? I realize that handling of the rifle is slowed down (if the condition is right), but I am wondering how bad it can be for accuracy if the chamber acts like a perfect sleeve for the case (one should guess, that this results in a very consistent case volume etc?).
Anyway - rocking the rifle around while opening the bolt is annoying and often messes up my setup of front and rear rest.. So of course I prefer a smooth bolt opening over the click..

P.S. regarding errors introduced by reloading:
I just fiddled around with another rifle (setting up a new die) and found that the bushing I use introduces quite some runout. I cleaned the bushing / die etc. and tried for a few more cases without any difference. Out of curiosity I flipped the bushing upside down and was surprised to see, that runout was getting much better on sized cases - maybe a little more than one third of what I experienced on the other cases. Obviously it makes sense to check just every step of the process from time to time - especially if you change something..

Stephan, you are correct. The click is not really a deterrent to accuracy but more the speed we can reload and get back on target without changing the way the rifle tracks or reacts in the bags by excess moving around. If you like to shoot quickly in a certain wind condition before it changes than the click is not a good thing. With score it is less of an issue as you need to move around on the target any ways but is still an issue if you like to get as many as you can in your favrorite condition. Dies can only do so much with removing the click as the problem seems to be the base of the case expanding to the point the case is tight in the chamber and results in heavy camming at the top of the bolt lift. A good action will have good timing and improves the bolt opening. Another issue is some chambers are to small at the base. The brass base will expand slightly as it is work hardened and no normal sizing die can get this back without extreme effort. If the chamber is slightly larger it will settle and work harden before the base expands enough to get tight and the die just brings the body of the brass back into size.
It is always good to check everything, I am curious as to how much flipping the button will improve your accuracy?
Here's a new finding :

I have two 30 BR dies, one is a Harrell#2 and the other a LE Wilson threaded die. I have both dies sitting side by each in my press turret. In sizing cases for two different chambers, I have been using the Harrel for my Varmint Hunter gun and the other for my VFS gun. I was having problem with the Harrell not sizing the brass enough to remove the feel when chambering it. So, I measures the butts of both cases. Both cases measure the same so I run the brass out of the Harrell through the Lee. Voila, the "Feel" went away. What the Harrell doesn't do is size the case below the shoulder enough. This will lead one to over bump cases, been there. I don't know if a #3 Harrell would be tight enough at the shoulder area to take the feel away, does anyone who has one know?


Pete, I know in a 6ppc a #3 is smaller than a #2 by approx. .001. Measure your cases after being fired and then after sizing to be sure.If it is sizing a tiny bit and it reduces the click a little bit with a #2 die, a 2.5 die might be perfect but if it is not reducing your shoulder diameter approx. .001 then a .003 will be better.
Pete, the shoulder area in a BR case is often overlooked when having a sizing issue. I have a Harrells #2, #2.5 and a #3, an L.E. Wilson threaded BR f.l. bushing die, a couple of Redding Body Dies modified to take a bushing and a carbide 45 ACP die. They all get used as needed.

Often, it's better to polish the chamber a bit and drop down to a die that sizes less.

Good shootin' -Al