Jerry Lahr Shoots New Unlimited Record

Dave Coots

64 Chevy 409 10.42 129
The word on the street is that Jerry shot a .1242 Agg/5 shot groups at Minnetonka. The bar gets higher.
Congratulations Jerry. Were you shooting some of your own illegal bullets?

My good friend Chris Harris call to say that he had talked to Gene and was told the new 100yd. agg was .1242. Also said Gene was very busy and would get a letter out to me soon.
You know that I shoot a lot of differnt bullets. This is what I used to set the record.
Powell rail
Bat action made in 1999 that Dwight Scott tuned up for me.
6ppc Krieger barrel with about 300 rounds through it.
29.6 gr. of 133 same load all day.
65gr flat base bullet made on my Rorschach dies.

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JERRY, how about posting your targets?

BTW..........i never saw the backers............................ha

Mr. Lahr, me and several other are unable to download pics. Window says invalid link. Could you post differently?
Thanks ,, and good shooting

I know you don't drink. So, maybe you got into a bad batch of lutefisk up dere and haf got a little messed up with your toughts???????????? Record without pictures, is just, well, just, like lutefisk without lie,,,,,,,,,,i mean lye.....................

Your Friend From Ten....W.... A.... (IOWA)

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Dave ,
Sorry I can't get them to post.
The lakes have all frozen over and we are driving our pickups on them so look for some fresh lutefisk as soon as I can get back out to the fish house.
What are those little guys hittin on Jerry?? You killed all the pheasants in South Dakota and Minnesota and now starting on the fish population.................

Dave ,
Sorry I can't get them to post.
The lakes have all frozen over and we are driving our pickups on them so look for some fresh lutefisk as soon as I can get back out to the fish house.
congrats. jerry!
great thing you have done. as well I would like to see the
pics. I have sat next to you more than once.
mark on the other,
it was never better.
still kickin and thinking about you all.
Tom G.
I think if you go to the "advanced" posting form the attachments will work. I'm too stupid to fix it for the quick reply form.