japan optics limited hakko 10x50x56



my new hakko arrived this past week and is everything good that has been said about it.Its brighter than my 12x42 nf and weighs much less.Its truly a 1st class optic.I do not know the weight at the moment.
Where did you get this scope? What was the price? Have you actually used it? A link with reticles and info. would be great.

This scope has to be looked through to be believed.crosshair with mil dots.Gainsville Fla. is where the retailer is located.Mr.Sugarman was my contact.It is brighter than my 12x42 nf in the higher power range.It weighs less than nf but I have not found the weight in print.Scope cost 1099.00 with free shipping.Its not a march but it is an excellent optic.Go to ark-groupllc.com.
What's its track record at holding point-of-aim in benchrest level shooting? I could care less about brightness, and will get weight somewhere else if I have to. No POI shifts has to top the list.
Hmmm....... this individual becomes a member on this websight, and 5 out of 6 posts in the last couple of days immediately praise this new scope and provide contact info for it. (??) If I didn't know better, I'd wonder if this gentlemen was a pitchman for the company.

But maybe that's just my suspicious mind, and maybe it's just a jim-dandy fine $1,000 scopes with folks that stand behind their warranty.(??) Never the less.....you guys go first!!!.....and let me know how it works.
my new hakko arrived this past week and is everything good that has been said about it.Its brighter than my 12x42 nf and weighs much less.Its truly a 1st class optic.I do not know the weight at the moment.

How about doing a full review with pics and posting it on here or 6mmbr
I am not a pitchman for anyone.I am just very pleased with my purchase.I shoot at Baileys in Houston very often and have won two ribbons at Tomball.Hope to see some of you and let you look through it.My health does not let me shoot Tomball in the heat of midsummer.
savageman -

Thanks for the Feedback !!! ....... I'm all for having more choices to high-end scopes......

Going to be a lot of questions to something new.... especially when you yourself all ready give it higher marks then the legendary NF.
Could you conduct some review for us?

I myself would like to hear about it's turret tracking and click value calibration:
- To check tracking, put up a target at "spot on" 100yds and dead level. Have the target have a vertical line down the center of 30" or 40" of height. Then have a horizontal line low of say 12" wide (a target of like 12" by 40").
- Then Zero the scope to the "cross" of the two lines. Then put 5-MOA of elevation in and shoot it. Then 10-MOA, then 15-MOA, then 20-MOA, etc.......
- Then measure with a ruler/tape how the elevation turret tracked and it's calibration to the actual click values.
- Then return it to your Zero and shoot to see how it tracked back to Zero
- Then do the same with the windage. Go 3-MOA Left, then 6-MOA. Then back to Zero, Then Right 3 and then 6. Then back to Zero again.

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
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It's one of those "Tactical" things. Here's what I found at their site:

JOL 10-50X56 Side Focus Mil-Dot Reticle

JOL 10-50X56mm, 30mm Main Tube, LIFETIME WARRANTY, Waterproof, Recoil Proof, 1200g Rating. Will Handle 50BMG, Tactical Turrets With 1/8 MOA Ajustments, Side Parallax Adjustment, Includes See Through Lens Covers, Cleaning Cloth, FREE Sunshade. Price $1,099.00
Here's some feed back on the Hakko scope. I have on of the 8-34 on my 30 BR and shot a club match with it and did some testing before I went. It has 1/4moa clicks and is as clear
as any other scope I have looked through yet, a friend has a NF and to me it looked just as clear. I did shoot a 250- 19X in the match with it. I am impressed with scope and I will be
testing the scope as DMORAN65 suggested and will post my findings good or bad. In my initial testing, I found it to be very accurate doing a box test. clicks up , clicks left, clicks down, clicks right. At the end of the test I was still on target to poa. Maybe the next test will tell me more.. will let you know. thx for the inquiry. I am not a salesman for them either. But Noah is a good guy to deal with and he has a product that may be of some use for some of the shooters out there..
Maybe if the interest stays high enough they will make a true benchrest version? I will stick with my leupold scopes for now though. Although these scope do look enticing. Lee
About ten or fifteen years ago, Hakko scopes were being imported and billed as a tactical scope. Some of the actual working tactical crowd got ahold of a few test samples and wrung them out, and by wrung out I mean abused them. While everyone had favorable comments on the glass, they did not make the cut due to mechanical issues like a frozen erector assembly, failure of the box test and the like.

Hopefully given the price they have improved their mechanical design/compnents/materials since then. And even if not they might be fine given a lttle less beating. But the price is pretty close to a Nightforce BR and to me the Nightforce is a proven commodity so I'll stick with mine.