Jackies Mom

I Appreciate Everybodies Condolences

My Mom was 87 years old, lived a great life, and up untill just a few years ago was quite active and self reliant.

This past year, a failing body started to takes it toll, we had to place her in a assisted living facility. She suffered a minor stroke Thanksgiving Day, it left her not able to speak but with no other problems as far as motor skills were concerned. But, it seemed like the stroke triggered a series of maladies, she went into respitory failure a few days ago, and my Brothers and I had to make the decision that had to be made.

She simply died of old age.

We will be spending the next couple of days settling her estate, and closing the final pages on what was a good life.

Thanks to all of my Friends for their heartfelt best wishes in this difficult time...........jackie
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May God bless you and your family during this time of loss. Keep the faith.

Jackie, my family found comfort in this verse, over Christmas. May it do the same for your family.

I still hear the songs,
I still see the lights,
I still feel your love on cold wintery nights

I still share your hopes and all of your cares
I'll even remind you to please say your prayers

I just want to tell you, you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment, to stay in His grace
I came here before you to help set your place

You don't have to be perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip, if you continue the climb

To my family and friends, please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you, in a new special way

I love you all dearly, now don't shed a tear
Because I'm spending my Christmas with Jesus this year
Our Condolences

So sorry for your loss Jackie. My father died a few days before Christmas 3 years ago. It still takes away from family the holiday spirit.
I am sorry for your loss Jackie let us know if there is anything we can do.
So sorry to hear of your family's loss. I hope that you can focus on the good times and let the memories sustain you in these trying times.

Sorry for your loss Jackie. I have lost both of my parents, and it's still hard to this day. You and your family are in my prayers.

Jackie, my condolences to you and your family on your loss. May the reason of Christmas bring peace to your family.

My mother passed away in 1989 days just four days before Christmas.

I was working on a Friday morning .
My brother Peter had phoned to say that the doctor had called and come to Kelowna hospital right now.
So we took a plane instead of driving -faster.

When we walked into the hospital room at 6:00 pm Mom was on 6 L of O2 and was having problems breathing - emphysema.
She was so happy to see us .

Peter and I stayed for an hour .

Something woke me up at 5:30 the next morning and the phone rang soon after.
Mom was gone but I knew that already....

She had seen her two sons and it now was time for Issy to rest.

It was quite hard for me at the time but I would not have missed saying that "goodbye" for anything.
I think of my Mom quite often and I remember all the good times that we had together.
Issy really loved Christmas and giving gifts.

So while it might be difficult right now please try to enjoy this holiday season with your friends and family while remembering the good times that you all had together .

I am sure that your mother was very proud of you Jackie.

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Jackie, please accept condolences from my son and I. Your Mother was evidently a great lady to rear such a fine person as you.
Waylan and Jeff Kisor