Jackie Schmidt Sets New HV 100 World Record .1118 AGG At Midland With 30BR!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang it Jackie! You just had to go and let the cat outta the bag didn't ya? Now everybody knows about these 30's and their ability to shoot. You still have to steer them though.

Congrats and great shooting!---Mike Ezell
Jackie at the line (with apologies to Ernest Lawrence Thayer)

The outlook was not good at the Midland firing line that day
With the South wind a howling and the flags dancing every which way
The range master called: " relay two, shooters to the line."
A shooter sat at bench 26. If he was nervous he showed not a sign
The man's name was listed on the roster as one Jackie Schmidt
At the command commence fire He opened his 30's bolt and placed a round in it

The firing line erupted with smoke and lots of noise
But Jackie kept shooting with grace, precision and poise
When the 10 minutes were gone accompanied by the usual shouts of despair and squeals of glee
Jackie's 100 yard target showed a nice .153

He followed them up, and when match 4 was done
There was a zero, a 120 and a flat one
His ag. it stood at an amazing .1165
The thought ran through each shooter's head
Would he keep it up or would he take a dive

A hush fell over Midland at the start of match five
The birds stopped chirping. The hornets were quiet in their hive.
Jackie sat at his bench, a bead of sweat upon his brow
Some flags were screaming Shoot! Others shyly whispered no, not now.
He picked his shots and fired them so carefully
When the dust had settled it was a tiny .093

Oh, somewhere in this land the sun is shining bright;
The benchrest band is playing and shooter's hearts are light
In West Texas men are laughing as children shout and skate
There is joy in Midland. Mighty Jackie's ag was a record .111 eight

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Congratulations from Bill Calfee and Lynn aka Waterboy.I told Bill what you had done and he wanted me to tell you congratulations!!!
It looks like your "Muzzle Device" is working well for you.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Jackies Tuner

Congratulations from Bill Calfee and Lynn aka Waterboy.I told Bill what you had done and he wanted me to tell you congratulations!!!
It looks like your "Muzzle Device" is working well for you.
Lynn aka Waterboy

Here's a pic of Jackies "muzzle device" snubber style tuner. Maybe this new record will change the hearts and minds of the naysayers in regards to tuners and then again maybe not. :)

Bravo to the ultimate achiever, avid teacher, and friend to so many!

It was a fun weekend in Midland! There were several shows going on at the same time. One was Jackie on bench 26(it's nice to have a benchmate that can teach you things) and the other was Scott Hunter looking thru Leon Gass's spotting scope. Scott was giving a blow by blow description of Jackie's action at the bench and everyone was waiting with baited breath for Scott's next comments. Frank Wilson was hopping around so excited I thought he was fixin' to start selling commercial time during Scott's announcing( He's shot 2, no I think it's 3 !!. Ohh, I think he's shot 4 now!) It was a hoot, I was expecting a Budweiswer ad to break out! :) Jackie, Ronnie Cheek and I sat there that evening visiting and Jackie was a little more animated than usual(probably a slight understatement). Anyway, Jackie put on a great show and he really enjoyed himself (and deserved it). He was shooting late Saturday evening and even painted one side of his windflags for the next days shooting. Sunday I told him "the rain must have washed the color out of your flags" and he said "nope I painted them last night so I could see them better" . The man never quits!!
Congrats again Jackie.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
jackie bill seems excited about that calfee tuner on the end of your barrel.here is what he said shortly after..............[Lynn, as I said years ago, one day, NO ONE, will be competitive, in any shooting discipline, without one of my muzzle devices, the things some folks call, "tuners"]....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that just does not sound right to me. tim in tx
Congratulations. Jackie has freely contributed much to BR Central Forums and those interested in rifle accuracy - and he's not afraid to experiment.

Tony C
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What A Show

Congratulations Jackie. It was a real treat to be there and watch you shoot this Agg. The wind kept blowing and most of us never could figure out how to shoot a group much less a good one. But you kept shooting those little bitty dots and Got Er Done.

as was pointed out, he did not just win...he cleaned thier clocks!
the right man, with the right rifle and the right load........a well learned skill.
just one more reason, that when jackie speaks, i listen.
congrats jackie!

mike in co
I'm not a BR shooter Jackie but I want to say congrats with sincerity. The way you did it to me is the most important, reading the wind and waiting for your chosen condition that worked must give you a greater feeling than if it was perfect conditions. Congrats again.
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sorry to get in on this thread so late, but a sincere congratulations is in order.Thanks for all your input on BR Central.We are all better shooters benefiting from your experience and advice.
Jackie that is some mighty fine shooting, I just hope that the records guy's doesn't mess with your agg. I bet all of the competitors were almost as excited as you, when it was all said and done. Congratulations to a fine shooter and experimentor, whom also shares his findings.

Dan Honert
I would like to know if he went preloaded.. &...

When might we see some pictures of the world record targets ?
JHart, no, I had 12 cases that I used for the 100 and 200, I had previously shot at least four aggs with them. I also did not weigh each charge, I just threw them right out of my measure.

The targets are in the hands of the NBRSA Records Committee, along with the five moving backer cards, as per the procedures as set forth by the NBRSA. Only after they are verified, and the record either upheld, or discounted, will I get them........jackie
Ill look foward to seeing them when or if you post them for us to see....
Good shooting Mr. Schmidt..