Jack Nearys Rifle tuning session

I have taken Jack's course and at my age you are lucky if you remember 10% after a week. This is a great idea, you can go back and review the course when you choose to do so.
I have been sitting here at this comp for two hours now taking notes. This is simply priceless info and i again commend you sir for sharing this with us. I'm going to make a spread sheet with my notes to take to the range with me every time i go. Well done sir! Now since i have taken this course were do i get my 1lb of powder? LOL!!! Thanks again! Lee
Yes, you can download the videos to your computer for future use. Do a search on the 'net and you'll find the right site to use for downloading.
Great video. I only wish someone could edit out all the background noises and people walking in front of the camera, and then enlarge the targets he's holding up. Maybe a more formal presentation is in the offing [hint, hint]. Thank you Mr. Neary for sharing your knowledge and experience. :)
Thank You Jack and Jonathan,

I am new to precision hand loading and shooting, The one hour spent watching the tuning session most likely saved me a brand new barrel and the components used to shoot it.

Quick and Easy =)

Thanks Jonathank, Super advice. Can this be down loaded to a disc somehow? Don't know how to do this.

Just click on the video and then click your favorite tab and add all 6 presentations to your favorite list. ;)
Ok, I admit I don't know the first thing about getting these wonderful video's saved. Need some simplified help.
I tried to download some free soft ware and a message came on about it might wipe out my computer so I backed out.
Sorry Boyd I just don't know how to do it. Suggestions please.
I would love to see something like this oriented for towards the 30br and score shooting. Good information regardless.
I used a program in this free suite. http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/ When I got the right program window open, I started each of the six videos in turn, and copied and pasted each of their urls ,in order, in the program window to be downloaded. It took a while, so you might want to set it up to run after you are finished for the day.
Thank you Boyd, I can't down load here at work due to the file is an .exe file. So I will wait till I get home tonight.
I wiped out this computer once and they put on some very secure system that limits me.
(I am new to precision hand loading and shooting, The one hour spent watching the tuning session most likely saved me a brand new barrel and the components used to shoot it. )

I wish it were that easy, but i am afraid you will still need several barrels and several boxes of bullets to get any kind of grip on this wonderful yet very challenging sport. Yes, the video is a blessing but nothing is more important than trigger time in actual conditions. The good news is now you do have an idea or two on were to start your tune. For me this is the fun part. I love playing around with different bullets and powders and barrels, trying to get them to shoot in harmony. It doesn't always work, but when it does it makes you feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside. LOL!! You will be fine, Most importantly is to have a good time, meet some good folks, and enjoy the heck out of your life! Good luck friend!! Lee