itsy bitsy teeny weany 1K group by Kerwin Overman


Greg Culpepper

Thought some of you might enjoy a view of a group Kerwin shot July 19th
warming up for Match 6 at Hawks Ridge.

Yes, it was a factory Savage 6.5-284 that did the deed. Steve Adams measured it at 1.077".

Of course I didn't see it shot and one of his witnesses is his sister Bertha.......

Well, I guess I'll have to figure out why it didn't upload. In the meantime you can wonder if I'm just teasing.

Wilbur you need to get you an Elmer a couple nites worth of cawffee and Mountain Dew and get after this pixture posting utility.......
i was in the butts, pasting a target....a shooter put three shots in under an inch..more like 3/4 inch.....on the left edge of the paper, just below the ibs logo.....
Hi Al,

From our match reports, Kerwin has shot five of the eight matches with the following results, starting with Match 2. 11.2", 10.7", 4.7", 6.6" and most recently, 7.9". Kerwin won with the 11.2" and the 6.6". The 4.7" and 7.9" were good for second place. Ricky Hoyle beat Kerwin's 4.796" with a 4.771" also shot with a 6.5 Savage. Other Savage shooters have done well in our Factory matches as well. Seems to be a trend. They sure have ugly bolt handles though!

What does this gun gener'ly shoot Greg? 4"-5"??


Neither Roger,

It was shot in practice in prep for a Hawks Ridge Cub match. Personal best for Kerwin though.

ooo I was hoping for a new record...I always apreciate it when they are broken legitametly!! hahha....good for Kerwin...we all know he did it ,,I hope he frames it and hangs it on the wall ....mine is on the wall in my kitchen,even though it is not in the record books.....Greg,,thanks for keeping us informed,,Roger