It is w/ a very heavy heart

David Halblom

Flying Fish Fundamentals
That I let the benchrest community know that Roy Oines, REO Rifleworks, has left us. He passed away Thursday night. Arrangements for the funeral and burial are still in progress. More information to follow.

We are truly diminished.

I had the pleasure to meet Roy at the 2008 Nationals. He left me with a very positive and inspiring impression that will stay with me. He was very pleasant and wore a smile every time I saw or spoke with him over the weekend. I really enjoyed his company. He will be missed. Prayers to and for his family.--Mike Ezell
It has been my good fortune to have known Roy for over 10 years. His quiet demeanor and good nature will be sorely missed, that's for sure. As well as being a talented machinist and winning shooter in both the HBR and VfS areas, Roy was a solid Group shooter. He recently had one of his groups considered for a new IBS Small Group record, shot with his HV gun chambered in 30X47! The group just missed the new record by a small amount and when I told him I was sorry to hear it didn't make it, he just smiled and said: "Well.....they knew I was there, anyway."

Yes Roy...we knew you were here. And the World is a bit better for it, my friend.

I'm headed to the range today and will send one down range for you, Roy................ -Al
I'm sorry to hear that. I met Roy a couple of times when he traveled East for IBS score shoots. Quite, helpful, respectful man. If you have contact with his family please express my sorrow for their loss. --Greg
Roy was a pleasure to know and shoot with, always a great competitor. I had the pleasure of visiting with him just t 2 weeks ago at the Van Dyne Wisconsin State Match. He will surely be missed by all who knew him. May the good Lord bless him and his family.
T.K. Nollan
Roy's family has asked cards be sent to:
The Family of Roy Oines
406 Walnut Drive
Holmen, WI. 54636

Roy was my shooting/traveling guide, gunsmith, mentor and best friend for many years. I was blessed to have known him.
Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers,
Craig Nagel
Roy was a gentleman, a gentle man, and a tough limited time and contact with him was a pleasure to be remembered.......I remember his wit and humor. And his smile...........Larry
A very silent and sad moment in our house when I shared the news about Roy with my family. We then went on to share our great memories of Roy with each other and realized how fortunate we were to have known him.

Roy,.......thank you

Brad, Karla, Ridge and Connor Lewis