It is true!!!!!!

Just to play devil's advocate if I may. Right now we have to go to the sheriff of the county we live in and apply for a handgun permit in order to purchase any kind of pistol. If we apply for and receive a concealed carry permit which we carry with us at all times then we can buy pistols or rifles without applying for additional permits or going through the NICS check. How is this different?
It is totally different.

1. This is a federal registration of ALL firearms with any type of clip, doesn't say anything about removable either.
2. No more home protection if you have a minor in the house as all guns must be locked up.
3. Private sales will now be registered and cost a fee.
4. You will have to submit to a physical and mental evaluation at anytime they (the goverment) requests it and it will be done by their (goverment) people.


In Georgia we do not need a license to buy either a rifle or pistol. We need a license to carry concealed.

And crime in Georgia probably isn't any worse than in NC. Pelosi said that we need to enforce the laws we have and she is right about that (don't know what got into her). It is my fear that the mass shootings from the last couple of years will force congress to do something even if it's wrong.
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The paper here today had an AP column on the recent bunch of multi-victim murders and how we needed more gun control. I just shot off a letter to the paper suggesting that Deborah Hastings, the author of the piece, didn't know what she was talking about, the murderers were, "legally entitled to fire his weapons". She obviously is either not very bright, and/or doesn't understand legal gun use.

Little Debbie is likely an acolyte of Mr Rush, and thinks that if the law could just keep us commoners from owning guns that all would be well with the world, and every pot would have a chicken in it too. Of course politicians and their friends, all of whom are trustworthy and reliable, would be allowed to own guns or have armed bodyguards.

In Georgia we do not need a license to buy either a rifle or pistol. We need a license to carry concealed.


I just went down and bought an AK47 this morning. No permit no nothing. Handgun or 50 cal is the same story. I'm glad it's not more restrictive than this!
I think some are missing the point.

One, this HR is federal not state.

Two, it's what could be....not what is....yet

eeeeeegad !

I wonder if that is the HR45 bill that was voted down or is it a revision ?
Bobby Rush, that cat is a "former " Black Panther with a mentally challenged brain and a speech impediment, how'd he become so influencial . :confused:
I wonder if that is the HR45 bill that was voted down or is it a revision ?
Bobby Rush, that cat is a "former " Black Panther with a mentally challenged brain and a speech impediment, how'd he become so influencial . :confused:

Didn't they use to say that about Barry Obama?:eek:
He travels with 12 telepromters.:eek:
in texas if you have a ccw you can skip the nics call and just do the yellow form
in texas if you have a ccw you can skip the nics call and just do the yellow form
Yea, that is the way it is up here.
But, you still have a background check involved. :D

By the way. Did ya read your NRA mag. this month?????
Ever hear of anyone, being charged, for trying to buy a firearm? And failed a Background Check. I think it is a felony. :eek:
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So let me get this right . . . we've got an idiot who has done time for firearms violations, proposing new laws to restrict firearms ownership?

How about we propose a law prohibiting Chicagoans from, nah, never mind.
"Clip" -- In a Rem. 700, Mauser action, similar they're "removable."

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." -- It's getting to be time to enforce what this says. The people own the guns, not the govt. This to ensure an armed electorate as a defense against a tyrannical government.

You smell tyranny? I think I'm smelling tyranny.