Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot This Coming Saturday, June 10!


The Isabella County Sportsman's Club (Mt. Pleasant, MI) will be hosting a 100 yard 25 shot score shoot this coming Saturday, June 10. Start time is 10:00am. We have 13 beautiful concrete benches under a covered firing line. I would highly recommend that you come pre-loaded unless the weather will cooperate. In that case, there is plenty of room for loading out in the open at your vehicles. Come early! Registration and scoring will be in the range shack.

I hope to see all of my shooting buddies there!

Attached is the Isabella Schedule.

Just the messenger boy...



  • 2017 Isabella Match Schedule 5-9-17.pdf
    106 KB · Views: 152
Anybody needing special bench arrangements, please call Matt and let him know. Example... Hutch and Gage always share a bench because they only bring one set of flags. That's fine as long as we know up front.

Matt's phone number is on the match schedule.


I just got this pic. Chuck Grace put my new bench gun together today. He will ship it second day air tomorrow. I should have it Wednesday.

I plan to shoot it in Factory Class at the match Saturday... Zimmer, watch out.

Gonna be a couple of very busy days Thursday and Friday.

Calling Bob Zimmer!

I just got this pic. Chuck Grace put my new bench gun together today. He will ship it second day air tomorrow. I should have it Wednesday.

I plan to shoot it in Factory Class at the match Saturday... Zimmer, watch out.

Gonna be a couple of very busy days Thursday and Friday.


Bob! You will be at the shoot this coming Saturday! You simply have to be with Dick's rifle looking like that! Your Cooper is begging to go head to head with that Ruger!
Half done...

When I get the gun Wednesday and mount the scope, I figure the project will be half done. From day one this rifle was intended to shoot in matches. I test fired it in the pattern stocks last year and was extremely happy with the results. So far so good...

I made the pattern stocks from factory take-offs and left the factory inletting alone. The stocks shown are new and are inletted very tight... the wood to metal fit is very close. This looks nice and professional but does not guarantee accuracy. Now I have to make it shoot well enough so as not to totally humiliate myself. I will have two days to sight it in, fiddle with loads and bullets and to load enough ammo to shoot Saturday. Then everything goes in the back of the Porsche so I can leave early Sat. AM.

I'm sending a lot of prayers heavenward asking that it doesn't throw bullets all over the place at the match. I'm not concerned about the butt stock... should be no problem. However, Ruger No. 1's are notoriously sensitive to fore end bedding. My guess is that I will spend a lot of time this summer messing with the fore end till I find the right combination. Believe me, challenging Zimmer and his %%$#* Cooper was very tongue-in-cheek.

This was never intended to be a seriously competitive benchrest rifle. It's quite small for a live varmint gun, weighing only 7-1/4 lbs. w/o the scope, 8-1/4 lbs. with it. It's a .222, not a 6 PPC. The Unertl scope is 8X. I just turned 80 yrs. old and this is my forty-first year of benchrest competition and I can't shoot well enough any more to worry much about winning matches. If I can just be a little competitive with other factory guns I will be delighted.

If you are into custom rifles, this gun is quite lovely. Son Tom, the guitar maker, is making me a couple of custom ammo boxes out of walnut for the 100 rounds of Lapua match cases I have. I guess my major goal is to look really good losing.

See you at the match.

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Another view. Gotta clean the gun and load the car. Match is tomorrow. I'll be fireforming so don't expect much.