Is There Any Real Reason To Post?

Dissappearing Threads

As a Moderator, I have also been guilty at times of engaging in conversations that have nothing to do with shooting. The Diamond Thread was a good example.

Here is the problem. Most shooters who are involved in extreme accuracy shooting tend to be successful in other aspects of society. Think of the wealth of Knowledge that is represented by the various posters who frequent this site. Heck, regardless of the subject, someone will probably be a certified authority on all aspects of that subject. It is a natural progression that sooner or later, these very people will start discussing something that is considered off topic.

I am not much of a censor, about the only thing I will delete a thread for is extremely rude behavior, and of course, conduct that is not representative of Adults, ie, vulgarity and sniping solely for it's own sake. I also tend to dislike shear stupidity.

I have been on this site for well over a decade. The same lament has always been present, "why doesn't, (insert name of Hall of Fame Shooter), post on here"?. Many could care less, because of regardless of what you might hear, many DO NOT want you knowing what they know. Others are not particularilly adept in expressing themselves in public, and many simply just don't care.

Then we have shooters who will come on here and open the books. The latest, (in a long list), is HOF Shooter Jack Neary. As I said before, there are very few sports where a true champion will open up his tool box and let everyone look in.

I have heard the lament from shooters that goes, "when I offer up information, some imbecile will challenge me". I really don't see that. Of course, many take the act of disagreement as a direct insult to their integrety.

The fact is, there are always conflicting opinions on just about any subject. Getting your feelings hurt because someone disagrees with your concepts probably says more about your own personal issues than anything.

I have news for you. It's like that everywhere.

Finally, keep in mind, most of the people involved in Benchrest tend to be class A personalities. Get a room full of these types, and the natural progression will be in the direction of conflict. Most people who are used to be in charge in the "real world" tend to want to be in charge in other relms as well. This site is no different.

It's Wintertime, even in Houston. Since we are very limited in participating in the thing we really love, we tend to channel that competitive nature toward other venues.

This web site just happens to be one of those places. Feruary is just a few months away. Let's try not to eat our young in the mean time............jackie
Instead of deleting the threads( that have a lot of valuable information) and start going astray why don't the threads just get locked.

I browse the forums hoping to learn something and will occasionally play the devil's advocate; why, what if?, to learn more or try and get some type of discussion on a topic. Hopefully I do this respectfully. I've seen differences of opinion between individuals that are successful and respected in their discipline and I want them to get down to specifics and see how I can apply that information in my situation. If no one has responded to a post I will and put the target on my back so someone else will say that's not the way they see it. I enjoy shooting and I've been fortunate to have good mentors and I like to push the envelope. - nhk
I browse the forums hoping to learn something and will occasionally play the devil's advocate; why, what if?, to learn more or try and get some type of discussion on a topic. Hopefully I do this respectfully. I've seen differences of opinion between individuals that are successful and respected in their discipline and I want them to get down to specifics and see how I can apply that information in my situation. If no one has responded to a post I will and put the target on my back so someone else will say that's not the way they see it. I enjoy shooting and I've been fortunate to have good mentors and I like to push the envelope. - nhk

OK Mr devil's advocate......... I gotta' know.

I've stared at if for dozens, nay hundreds of seconds.. I've tried to blow it up. I've even went to your whatever-it-is page to see if I could get the pic to pop.

What the @#$%^& is pictured in your avatar??

(you don't even want to know my guesses!)


I think it is still safe to ask what 1000 yard load to use on your 300 win mag in the SHORT RANGE benchrest forum.
I think it is still safe to ask what 1000 yard load to use on your 300 win mag in the SHORT RANGE benchrest forum.

Actually the last I knew posting that specific type of data was frowned on by the "Chief Cook and Bottle washer" on any of these forums.
OK Mr devil's advocate......... I gotta' know.

I've stared at if for dozens, nay hundreds of seconds.. I've tried to blow it up. I've even went to your whatever-it-is page to see if I could get the pic to pop.

What the @#$%^& is pictured in your avatar??

(you don't even want to know my guesses!)



Well, at a GUESS?, it sort of looks like a bolt with layout blue, chucked in a four jaw. How's that for a shot in the dark ;)?

What am I missing? Is it worthy of my enabling avatars to be entertained? Nah. I'll let you guys figure this out. I'm still working up the nerve to answer Skeetlee regarding his run out. I used to think run out was what you do when the building is about to collapse or the refinery is about to blow. Cold, no snow on the ground, nothing to do, oh woe is me.

Now Francis, you don't want to miss all the fun :p.

Is There Any Real Reason To Post?

I find the title and idea of this entire thread inappropriate. If you do not want to post Don't.
But remember if everybody adopts that attitude there is no forum for you to you read and complain about.

With the rash of threads deleted, either by the OP's, by the moderators, it seems like anything you say is pretty short lived on BRC.

What rash of deleted threads?
I just looked and there are over 30,000 threads available for viewing on there have been a very small number deleted. Most of these are deleted by the original poster for whatever reason he deems appropriate. Frequently it is because some other person took the thread in a direction he did not want to go. Unfortunately sometimes it is because the thread deteriorated into name calling.

Also I see a lot of people posting personal inquiries for contact information phone numbers etc. While I tend to feel this is pretty inappropriate reason to start a thread most people once they have got what they want have the courtesy to delete the thread, surely you do not object to this.

it seems like anything you say is pretty short lived on BRC.

This simply could not be further from the truth, most posts on this site literally stay for years.

Lastly in your original post you promise not to delete this thread yourself , but I think if you really think about what you have said you would reconsider this option.

Dick Grosbier

If you look at my post count you'll see that I've participated rather a lot over the years. It's not like I just read and complain as your first lines might suggest. I couldn't even guess how many of my posts have been deleted because they were in a thread an Op decided to nix. Not nearly so many due to Mods, and I've hinted as much several times above.

If you deem this thread to have no value, then you certainly have the power to do something about it. As I said at the onset, you can rest assured I will not be the one to delete it, and I will also say now, I am not going to ask you to do it so I can say it wasn't my fault it's gone. Ya know, some sort of plausible deny-ability. I think from the responses above, there's others who share my opinion, and some who've pointed out very valid reasons for why things should remain the same.

If you've equated this thread as some personal crusade against you or any other mod here, it isn't. You're reading in something that's not there.

When it's all said and done, traffic here is a good thing. As was pointed out above by a poster late on page one, perhaps asking for a lock to a thread would be a better alternative to this than deleting. Especially in the case of very informative threads.

If I were to delete a thread, it would be the one on "your opinion of wind reading". NOT for any reason anyone else might guess, but because I created it wrong, twice. I should have made the poll expire but I did not. At the time I did not know that any vote in that poll would bring the thread back to the top, even though it has no activity. I wish someone would lock that because it's been at the top of the 1K forum for months now, with no activity other than people checking a box. The ONLY recourse I have is to delete it, but I absolutely will not delete it. Lots of folks offered very valid opinions, and good discussion came from it. Deleting it now is just plain stupid. But, asking for someone to lock it, is not. Or, even better yet, let the thread open in case anyone wants to contribute, but kill the poll (expire it) so it's stops bringing the thread to the top.
OK Mr devil's advocate......... I gotta' know.

I've stared at if for dozens, nay hundreds of seconds.. I've tried to blow it up. I've even went to your whatever-it-is page to see if I could get the pic to pop.

What the @#$%^& is pictured in your avatar??

(you don't even want to know my guesses!)



guessing four jaw chuck with what looks like a Rem 700 bolt and prussian blue on the face...just a guess
RE: What is it?

OK Mr devil's advocate......... I gotta' know.

I've stared at if for dozens, nay hundreds of seconds.. I've tried to blow it up. I've even went to your whatever-it-is page to see if I could get the pic to pop.

What the @#$%^& is pictured in your avatar??

(you don't even want to know my guesses!)




It's a Savage bolt head in a 4-jaw chuck. The bolt face is concave on some of them and I turn them flat, which helps to keep the primer from cratering and improves ignition with the firing pin protrusion adjusted to 0.040 +/- .005". I put blue Dychem on the bolt face so I can see how much is being removed. Generally they will clean up with .002-6". - nhk
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I was gonna say it looked like a camshaft in a 4jaw cause I was looking at the ejector pin thinking that was a dowel pin, but I had no idea what the blue was around there. And of course, what would a camshaft be doing in a lathe! :D

Was the chuck in motion when this was taken?
RE: Chuck

Was the chuck in motion when this was taken?

No. I attached pictures of the bolt head, bolt face minus .002" (you can see there is still a depression), bolt face minus .003", and a new bolt face beside a turned bolt face. The other picture is a before and after of the primers. - nhk

P.S. Al, like you were saying about custom actions being worth it...


  • Boltface 2 minus 2 thou.jpg
    Boltface 2 minus 2 thou.jpg
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    Boltface 3 minus 3 thou.jpg
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    Boltface 1 dychem.jpg
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    bolt face comparison.jpg
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once someone says "chuck" it all comes together! ;)

now I wonder about my confusion/illusion


You can always do a post about westcoast 1000 yard competition and see how long it lasts.
I come to the benchrestcentral forum site to learn about fireams, not how to drink beer, fix cars, or to discuss politics. The header of this section of the forum section is labled : "General Discussion - firearms topics not related to benchrest". I shoot a lot but I've never shot in a benchrest match and don't plan to. There are knowleable people here to learn from in many areas of rifle performance and accuracy. Let the moderators make the call on what's appropriate. This thread can be erased completely and not bother me at all.
Well, I hate to break the news to you guys, but there is at least one thread that was resurrected specifically because of the discussion in this thread. Now, if you want to be shortsighted, you could look at that as one more thread, and plus or minus, who cares. But, a person who might look at that more optimistically, might say, several people with new attitudes toward the subject, and perhaps a long term change for the better.

Louis, was your mouse forced to read this thread? Or did you want to? See, the point of my post is, if I'd like to read the thread, It helps if it's still there. If I'd prefer not to read the thread, my mouse can stop me from going there. But, with the threads there, the choice is mine.

Lynn, amazingly enough, in reference to west coast shooting, we really don't disagree on the subject do we? How bout that...