Why some of the Benchrest matches may be low in attendance.
Just a sample for this shooter that decided to travel to support a range that has had a low attendance.
Here is a close break down on the cost for me to travel to this shoot.
I have a F-250 Diesel Truck
Start Wednesday 10th from Calif. to AZ a 4hr. drive to spend one free night on Ocock’s couch at cost of dinner at Long John Silver $ 13.01 and listen on how good he is
Left the couch Thursday morning to drive the 10 hours drive to Raton NM.
Fuel: $428.04 average cost was $3.83 per gal from CA to Raton NM
Hotel: $ 169.41 @ $ 50.00 + tax $ 6.47 = $ 56.47 per night X’s 3 nights, most shoots its only 2 nights but due to the estimated 1000 miles I drove needed the extra night coming in late on Thursday night so I could have Friday to get some practice in.
Food: 2 nights at the Ice house / Mulligan’s = $ 35.00 and one night at the Ice house that was bought by a fellow shooter for 5 of his fellow shooters (Lester) yes I know you are surprised, get him away from selling he has a different personality besides able to shoot except this weekend when Todd Tyler beat his butt 3 out of the 4 yardages.
Food: subway, quiznos, dairy queen stops on way to eat on road while driving. $ 17.00 and an estimated $ 20.00 for ice, bag of donuts and chocolate milk to take to range.
Match Fee: $ 100.00 that is $50 a day no charge for the practice day. They have to pay the NRA $ 15.00 a day per shooter then the $ 2.00 per day per shooter, range officer, target crew and scorer out of the entry fee plus trophy’s not much left for them and they also have to take their personal time to set the match up.
This all above Total’s $ 782.46 estimated cost plus the interest on credit card to pay off.
Plus bullets, primer, powder etc.