IR 50 10 Shot!


Well-known member
BR 50 was known as "the meanest game in town".

10 shot makes BR 50 look like a cake walk.

When Wayne Wills created 10 Shot he made it hard, and I mean hard!

Only a few of the best shooters in the country will even shoot 10 Shot. It will make a grown man cry.

10 shot scoring.png

This is the scoring legend. Yea, that's right, if you don't hit the dot you get zero points!


I thought it was a 10, so did the scoring committee, but it didn't pass muster when it went for certification.

There were only 2, 10 shots in the entire 2020 10 Shot Nationals. The one that went for certification didn't make it. If the other one was a 10 can you image how perfect it must have been.

6 or 4.jpg

Is that a 6, or just a 4? It makes a 50% difference to the score!

just another 6.jpg

Just another 6?

best 6 ever.jpg

Best 6 shot ever! That bug was in the perfect spot.

Congrats to Bruce Hornstein!! He won the 10 shot Nationals this past weekend and set a new record in the process.

Anytime you win a 10 Shot Nationals you really did something.

Great job Bruce!

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BR 50 was known as "the meanest game in town".

10 shot makes BR 50 look like a cake walk.

When Wayne Wills created 10 Shot he made it hard, and I mean hard!

Only a few of the best shooters in the country will even shoot 10 Shot. It will make a grown man cry.

View attachment 23833

This is the scoring legend. Yea, that's right, if you don't hit the dot you get zero points!

View attachment 23834

I thought it was a 10, so did the scoring committee, but it didn't pass muster when it went for certification.

There were only 2, 10 shots in the entire 2020 10 Shot Nationals. The one that went for certification didn't make it. If the other one was a 10 can you image how perfect it must have been.

View attachment 23835

Is that a 6, or just a 4? It makes a 50% difference to the score!

View attachment 23837

Just another 6?

View attachment 23836

Best 6 shot ever! That bug was in the perfect spot.

Congrats to Bruce Hornstein!! He won the 10 shot Nationals this past weekend and set a new record in the process.

Anytime you win a 10 Shot Nationals you really did something.

Great job Bruce!



The IR 50 rule book para. 6.2 says " A shot touching the X receives a score of 4 points, a shot removing the entire X receives a score of 6 points, and a shot leaving no white showing within the 10 ring receives a score of 10 points.

If you study the pics you can see it is not possible for a Lapua bullet to remove all the white inside the 10 ring.

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