Iosco Sportsmen's Club 100 Yard Score Matches 2018


New member
Spring is finally arriving in North East Michigan at the Iosco Sportsmen's Club

We are located just North of East Tawas, Mi. at 1600 N US23 near the shores of Lake Huron
The State is currently rebuilding 6 miles of US23 and they have started at the Southern end
at the intersection by the Big Boy Restaurant, so some lane blockages will be expected.
MDOT has made us take down our sign during the construction so a reminder,
we are located right next to Jay's RV.

Our 2018 schedule of 100 yard Score matches is :
May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug 4, Sept 1
All matches are on Saturday and will begin at 10AM, gates open at 8AM

We have just replaced the crushed gypsum on the floor of the shooting shed with concrete.
Can concrete benches be far behind?

Hope to see you on the range.
Francis, always enjoy shooting with you. I'll even try to get the match going before the wind shifts on you.

I need to talk to you and don't have your phone number. Call me if you can.


Dick Wright
Where has the time gone? I have to get ready for this Saturday's match at Iosco Sportsman's Club at East Tawas.

Francis, I read somewhere on the internet that a heavy crimp on those 30BR bullets will make them shoot like lazers " all day long".

You can thank me later.