Insurance ?



Folks I was doing my yearly review of my insurance, and noticed that the coverage for my guns with my home owners policy will not cover very much at all. Like $5,000 total. I have built three Benchrest rifles this year and $5,000 won't even cover the scopes much less those rifles not even speaking to the other rifles and shotguns I have.

So what are you guys doing? I contacted my Insurance agent State Farm and the tell me that State Farm will write me a seperate policy just for the Guns but it is very pricey. If I were to do that the gun coverage alone was going to be around $1,000 a year. Is there a specialty Co or something?

Just wondering......

Folks I was doing my yearly review of my insurance, and noticed that the coverage for my guns with my home owners policy will not cover very much at all. Like $5,000 total. I have built three Benchrest rifles this year and $5,000 won't even cover the scopes much less those rifles not even speaking to the other rifles and shotguns I have.

So what are you guys doing? I contacted my Insurance agent State Farm and the tell me that State Farm will write me a seperate policy just for the Guns but it is very pricey. If I were to do that the gun coverage alone was going to be around $1,000 a year. Is there a specialty Co or something?

Just wondering......


You are right there is a limitation in most homeowner policies, BUT ITS ONLY FOR THEFT...which is a big issue of course. What I mean is that if your guns are lost in a fire you have coverage up to the contents limit (Coverage C) in your policy. Your contents, if a standard HO 3 form, are covered only for NAMED PERILS listed in the policy. It's only when theft is involved that you are limited to the lower amount. Separate amounts for loss by theft also apply to jewelry, watches, furs, cash, etc.

The NRA used to offer member firearms insurance. IF you are an NRA member check with them. --Greg
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I've used Collectibles Insurance Services for about ten years. They're reputable and have been around a while. Do a Google search on them. I don't have paperwork in front of me, but it seems that $30,000 coverage is around $200.00 annually.
I priced it out and it seemed that the pricey part was concerning theft (as mentioned above)

So I spent the money on a vault.

Over here for the last 25years+ we have had to store all firearms in a government approved build standard safe/vault/cabinet. Otherwise you Firearms Licensing Dept either refused your firearms ownership application or recinded your current one. We have to reapplly every 5 years.

Firearm theft from domstic residence's is therefore extremely low. It doesn't deter the determined thief as my close friend found out last year, but it certainly stops the casual ones.
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Now I'm confused.... I'm interested in the English language, The Queen's English, The King's English, American English, redneck, cajun, patois you name it.

I understand the Brits referring to groups as an individual entity.... to dropping aitches and adding them willy-nilly, differences in tenses and use of commas and possessives but this is the first time I've encountered a sibilant 'g' in an English tongue.....

"an government?"

Sounds like espanol is encroaching acros't the pond..... or is this the Cockney equivalent of a Freudian slip???

"an hooverment'

hmmmm, fitting


Buy a steel safe, put it in your garage,, (or basement), build a wood box around it, padlock that, then print the words on the front of the wooden enclosure....NO SMOKING! PAINT AND GASOLINE INSIDE !

Thays what I did. You'll have to keep it moisture proof though.
Buy a big 10 or 20# bag of descant to put inside. Change it out and dry it out.
Thanks guys for the advice and information. I do have the NRA menbers insurance but that only covers up to $2,500. Any of us with Benchrest rifles kinows how far that will go. They do also offer coverage above and beyond that but the rate is .0174 so once again we are talking the better part of a Grand for coverage per year.

I do have a good gunsafe, And the shop has a alarm on it as well. I bought a bigger than needed safe and it is big 72X60X30 and it weighs 1775Lbs. I have it bolted to the floor (a slab) with good grade eight bolts that extend all the way thru the slab. I bought this safe because of the weight, my plan was to get one heavy enough that some lame ---- thief could just not move the thing. I guess the only thing is to hope that we are not the ones. Not much crime here and everyone looks out for each other. What is to be is just going to have to be I guess......

Thanks Again Roland
Buy a steel safe, put it in your garage,, (or basement), build a wood box around it, padlock that, then print the words on the front of the wooden enclosure....NO SMOKING! PAINT AND GASOLINE INSIDE !

"GASOLINE" Have you priced that stuff lately that's the first thing they will go for! LOL
Collectors Insurance. I have had this coverage for a while now. I have not filed a claim, however they have an excellent reputation.
How is all or under what is all of our reloading gear covered?
If they stick it under the gun clause then thats even more.
Most policies place a limit on guns, jewelry, furs, valuable papers, coin collections etc. I have never seen any policy that would not cover ammo, reloading components, loaders etc. I'm not saying there are none but I have not seen one.

I spent several years of my life as a insurance agent.

Read your policy and see if there is any reference to gun related items - rather than just a limit on guns.

You might also ask your agent.

I do have a smaller bag of descant in there, but additionally,I have a heated tubular device made just for that. Yes, one still has to recondition the stuff though untill it turns blue again.

On a lighter side, I know a guy in this city that had four guys help to put his safe in his basement. He then bolted it to the floor so no one could walk off with it. Now think about this guys... if it took 4 to get it down, how many would it take to get it back up ?
Such foolish people. I guess he thinks a great deal of his .444 Marlin , his 870, and an off the shelf .22 .
I don't use dessicants.

Time flies, then you die......

And nobody changed your dessicant.

For my steel safes I use something called a 'Goldenrod' which plugs into the wall.

For my poured concrete walk-in vaults I use a plug-in dehumidifier unit which hooks to a garden hose which runs out the floor into the footing drain system.

I have dry rifles and gear.

BTW, for all you guys who might now consider buying that metal box safe for your house..... DON'T STORE YOUR AMMUNITION IN IT!!!

For all you guys who might consider an expensive metal box safe, consider pricing out a poured concrete vault room.

IMO insurance is money down the drain, it doesn't take long to have LOTS of money tied up in gunstuff :)


How is all or under what is all of our reloading gear covered?
If they stick it under the gun clause then thats even more.

Standard ISO HO3 form will cover all your reloading gear as contents. Contents under the std HO3 form is NAMED PERIL, meaning that one of the "named perils" must be the proximate cause of the loss. Theft IS a named peril. Your contents at the listed location are covered world wide, subject to your deductible.

As mentioned twice above, it is THEFT of guns, watches, jewelry, precious metals, cash, furs, silver that ARE covered for theft BUT only for the designated amount listed in the policy. That is why folks buy specific insurance on guns, jewelry, furs, etc...not because it isn't covered but because there is a special limit of coverage if the described article is STOLEN.

If your guns burn up in your house they are covered for their actual cash value(or replacement cost if you have purchased that contents valuation option) special limit other than the limit of contents you have on your policy(usually 70% of the value you have on your dwelling, coverage A), just a valuation issue now...meaning the policy may not recognize special value as in pair or set.

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For my poured concrete walk-in vaults I use a plug-in dehumidifier unit which hooks to a garden hose which runs out the floor into the footing drain system.

I was always told warm moisture laden air rises rather than sinks. Still, if it works for you.....
The only reason I have been with Allstate for 20+ years is because they have all mine on a Scheduled Personal Policy amendment to my Homeowners policy. This coverage is only $1.00 annually per hundred limited to value you place on each gun. Allstate requires an appraisal or sales receipt for each and a photo. The coverage covers all risks, even mysterious disappearance. Few months ago, my daughter threw out a brand new NF scope with a box of trash. I had it listed on the policy and a few days later, they paid me full value. Before that I left a Zeiss binocular in a public duck blind, and they paid the claim immediately. The SPP is offered by most homeowners carriers. Check with your agent.