inletting a stock

the pillars in the old stock have an F hole(257).
the pillars are my drill bushings
Quick question: how are you going to get those pilot holes in the stock...not off axis in any plane...and with an O.D. that gives you a repeatable place to start and return to?

Good shootin' -Al
so thanks for all the input. it appears that if i want to shoot this rifle this year(nationals in sept), i need to do it myself.
i have spent time this week prepping brass for fire form, and at the last min, decided to try the new bbl'd action in the other stock...
bingo..dropped in bolted in.
makes fire forming easier
borden's quality includes repeatability,,,
so i did as i said, i lined up the 2 stocks as best i could and drilled two 257 holes.
i then took the new stock and laid out a center line. it shows the forward hole is off about 0.010.
easily fixed when the pillar is installed. so all else will be laid out from the rear hole and the center line. the recommended cutters will be here tomorrow. got to figure how to keep straight, straight.