ICSC match Saturday 19 August...


New member
We will have this month's group match Saturday the 19th. As usual we will start at 10 AM sharp. Come early to register, set up and have coffee and a donut.

Henceforth, at every match there will be a referee appointed. Competitors will not have access to targets after they are scored and hung on the wall. Any questions re: scoring will have to go to the referee who will take them to the scorer as needed.

Unfortunately, due to a death in the family, Matt will not be there. The old guy who has done this for a long time will have to take care of registration, scoring, etc.

If you need special bench assignments, like sharing a bench, etc, call me ahead of time.

The weather forecast, so far, is for high 70's and cloudy.

Dick Wright
Ph: 989-386-3932

Doug Mulder called me. He and a friend want to share a bench.

Just so I don't forget.
