IBS Screamer Awards

As most of you know, PS Magazine used to award screamer patches to shooters who shot small groups in IBS and NBRSA matches and submitted a request. When we lost PS Magazine, of course we lost the screamer patch program as well.

The IBS has started a screamer program for our shooters and it is ready to be put into action. It is going to be retroactive for the 2013 season. You can click here http://internationalbenchrest.com/join/screamertext.php and get the info.

----------------Jeff Walker
IBS screamer patches

Jeff I noticed you did not put a limit to how many patches a year you could receive precision shooting allowed two per calendar year I would not want Jim Ohara to have a wreck on the way to a match with all those stickers on his windshield because you know that is where he will put them.
P.S great job Jeff putting something together for the shooters that deserve such and award.
Stan Taylor
Thanks Stan. Jim won't be able to see where he is going for sure then, because I'm pretty sure there's no limit !

Really glad to see the IBS start the program back up... and feel it is an awarding and great promotional program.
Personally, I would also like to see the lists at the end of each year (with the names, places, dates, etc.) on the website on the dedicated page.

Good stuff !.!.!
Donovan Moran